blech walesa

Fun fact: I work in human service work, helping teach life skills and tackle harmful behaviors in people with disabilities. My field of work is one of the most dangerous there is, with the highest rates of on the job assaults and deaths at the hands of people we are serving. I have 88 hour work weeks AND I volunteer

And fact-checkers.

Accusations of stealing jewelry and burying money in coffee cans?  I’m familiar with both of those exact things.

We will know if your theory is correct when he starts blaming the white house staff for stealing his jewelry or burying his money in cans in the white house lawn. 

Everywhere you live has something shit about it. NYC is a fucking spectacular place to live. Why do you think people are willing to spend so much per square foot just to live there?  The NYC juice is worth the squeeze 

That picture will never get old, nor will the cries of the white women that keep swearing that these GOP/Fox News harpies don’t represent them. The hell they don’t. You can’t claim Alyssa Milano, Sophia Bush and Debra Messing (Allegedly socially conscious feminists. I refuse to use the term woke anymore as it has

Straight up: I went to the front door of my son’s bully’s house and read his fat ass and his cross-eyed cousin true facts plus threatened to press charges. Yes they were only eight BUT they broke skin on my child and that could. not. stand.


Anyone who claims to be transgendered is immediately considered such

I’m glad that you included the part about how (many) TERFs believe that trans women are somehow the “sleeper agents” of the patriarchy, sent on suicide missions to bust up women’s spaces. There’s plenty of this kind of bigotry-induced nuttiness online, and I think it’s important to bring that stuff to light so that

I’d put money on depends under a compression garment.  

It’s entirely possible that she did exactly that, before being bathed and dressed and made up by a team of support staff. Everyone should have support staff after the birth of a baby.

That walk makes me think that she, like me postpartum, has a giant ice pack in her giant mesh underpants. Relatable!

Those pads are comically large. When the nurse brought those out to send home with me I seriously thought it was a joke, or I was on some hospital-themed reality show. And then I realized what they were for, and why they actually did need to be that big. The Horror. So yeah, no white dress up in here.

True, but I’d imagine she wasn’t wearing that dress for more than 30 minutes or so. And I doubt she ever sat down in it. 

I LOLed. Not to take away from Meghan’s badassery, but I’m sure you could have done the same thing with a team and a glam squad. <3 

Meghan, 2 days after giving birth: walks red carpet in heels and white dress, graciously speaks to the press, smiles.
Me, 2 days after giving birth: gingerly rolls body off bed, stumbles barefoot into bathroom, sees reflection in mirror, bursts into tears.

All I can think about are the number of undergarments being worn under that white dress. I would have been TERRIFIED to wear anything white for weeks after birth. I hope royalty gets an upgrade from the giant pad and mesh pear underwear. 

I’m a little sad she didn’t come out in some cute flats, or at least a lower heel. Those shoes are ambitious. And you can see her feet swelling out of them, poor girl.