blech walesa

I just subscribed to WP (online only) yesterday, and it’s only a buck a month for the first three or four months! $5 for a year of Teen Vogue right now too.

Respectfully disagree. Best Album is not just about best vocals. That’s why it’s not called Best Vocals on an Album. Which album was more artistically significant? Which album had something to say? Which was more likely to affect people’s hearts and minds?

Nah, I’ve seen your other posts and you’re generally pretty troll-y so I’m not going to engage. Your post here is racist and I’m not in the mood to explain your prejudice to you. Thanks for saying “please” though.

go fuck yourself, twice

Now playing

Though the specific superpowers don’t quite line up, you may recognize this particular emotional battle as the subject of Five For Fighting’s 2000 hit, “Superman (It’s Not Easy).”

...despite every single argument they’ve ever made ever having been proven to be wrong a hundred times over...

I guess she picked the wrong day to start sniffing glue.

I can’t stand his face, so I’ve been using this photo. It still captures many awful things about him and his insecurities without forcing me to look at the ugly front parts.

Counterpoint: when white people speak out on such issues, they’re told that they are speaking over or speaking for PoC

I’ve never hit another human being in my life, but with every passing day and every passing comment I read about how this is Obama’s ban, but it’s not a ban, but they are going to talk about vetting when they clearly have no idea how the current system of vetting works.... I just fell like I want to punch people

You’re not alone, but we’re definitely not sitting at the cool kids’ table.

But.... but....

My decision to forego her cheaply made shoes isn’t going to feel nearly as bad as the punishment she continues to endure so that she can keep that c.r.e.a.m. lifestyle.

I just said “Holy shitballs, that’s brilliant!” out loud in front of my toddler because of your comment. She’s still busy playing with her doll, but now she’s muttering “o-lee shibballs” over and over again while she does it.

Now playing

Came here for this! In a way I’m kind of glad that Jodorowsky didn’t get to make the film, because now I can imagine that it was perfect.

Locomotive Jones is a troll. Please don’t engage them.

+1 for gif of a Zamundian immigrant this weekend

Speaking of red carpet looks...

Since when do journalists and readers need to have conversations? I’m asking rhetorically, of course.