
I’ve read somewhere that it’s actually the people who seemed to “have it together” who are often the most successful suicides—people don’t see the warning signs and get them help. My uncle took his own life last summer and it was the same sort of situation; no one saw it coming—he had a successful career and had a

My mothers favorite saying “you never know what goes on behind closed doors”.

Sure, we can all keep a careful air of suspicion, but suicide can occur with anyone. I knew a successful public official who shot himself because he suffered from fugue (he disappeared for days and weeks at a time, and it was coming more frequently; he wrote that he wanted to spare his family any more embarrassment).

Depression isn’t a discerning illness.

No, they BELIEVE it was a suicide. And even then that’s just the word from some reporter at the Post.

Yes, it is. I desperately want to believe this is an accident and a personal tragedy to do with nobody else’s malice, but I truly can’t right now. I hope I’m wrong.

Successful people can commit suicide and may be unlikeky to seek help due to stigma and keeping up appearances.

Successful people commit suicide. Black people commit suicide. Muslim people commit suicide. The police obviously need to rule out every possibility of foul play. But based on this post we know nothing about her personal life, if she was suffering from depression, having financial problems, found out she had incurable

I want to call bullshit on no foul play

Very true indeed. You are right.

I feel like Russell Brand’s thoughts on Katy Perry are fine? They aren’t married anymore. Sounds like he doesn’t specifically follow her career, but he bears her no ill will. That sounds pretty healthy for a divorced couple.

Same? I usually hates cutesy, happy, adorable. I’m a total glass half empty type gal and have to work to find the good (in getting better at it, lol) in things, and these two? I just can’t get mad at. I think they are probably genuinely normal people and they like each other. I want to, but I can’t hate them for that.

I find Kristen Bell sharp, adorable, and great as an actress.

She’s no Meryl or anything but I think she does the best with what’s she’s given. She does seem to play a lot of very similar roles, though.

Call me basic, but I find their Samsung commercials very cute, and if they were to break up it would be proof yet again that there is no such thing as true love.

I consider myself a jaded pessimist, but for some bizarre reason I find the two of them charming, and am not even bothered by their hardware commercials.

Really? You don’t see the difference in news angles between an attack in perpetually war-torn Syria, as horrifying as that is, and one in a peaceful Western city?

That’s a good man doing the right things. Today you set aside politics, today Tobias Ellwood is one of the heroes.

Um, wow. That’s a substantial amount of information about the topic. That’s amazing. Thanks for this write up.

Charles and Diana’s pairing came about for much the same reason people have disaster sex - the need for human closeness and comfort during a tough time.