
That dumb scene with the underpants has always bugged me so much. First of all, it is cruel and unnecessary. Secondly, dude. Lorelei. Your best friend could probably wear those, so, you should know you’re being a total bitch right now. Third, it truly felt out of character for Lorelei to me. She was snarky, but at

Hmm, I’m not sure, perhaps... I think the thing that really gets under my skin is how even though she is insufferable and self-centred, she’s universally adored by everyone and gets away with having a really shitty attitude, no one calls her out on it. It’s like we’re trying to be convinced that her shit is adorable.

That was so awful, it made me want to turn it off. And I’m one of those people who has watched the whole thing 10+ times.

Lauren Graham looks absolutely beautiful and has aged very gracefully. She does not deserve this sort of snark.

Lauren Graham is, in my opinion, one of the most naturally aged women of her age on screen! I can’t believe she’s had plastic surgery.

I hated Jess, and Dean. Logan was the only one of Rory’s men I found likable, even though physically the actor that plays him does nothing for me. I mean, he’s a bit of a dick, sure, but he’s also smart and funny and isn’t portrayed as a pussy-whipped, brooding idiot like Jess and Dean. Plus, as others have said, Rory

Yes! What the fuck Rory? You went for a writers job with NO ideas for stories? And then act surprised when people aren’t throwing work at you because you’re ‘Rory Gilmour’. Urgh, I can’t believe she’s written as an endearing character - because she’s written exactly like the ones we’re supposed to hate.

no she didn’t. she had twins.

The show is utterly conservative towards every character who isn’t named Rory. Even her mother got slapped down in the scripts for things.

Plus the fat shaming in Summer, something the series never did before.

Dude, Lane had triplets! Fucking triplets. What the fuck. I hate everything they did to Lane Kim on that show.


Just another in a long line of could-have-beens.

I feel like a bit of a hypocrite. I think rap feuds are grade school level discourse, but I can’t stop laughing about that twitter handle “Fellatio Alger”.

Gosh, remember when musicians were famous for great records instead of twitter beefs? Yeah, that was fun

That is the reason I click on the title, I still do not know who she is.

I’m not following this super closely, but to me this kind of seems like Remy Ma needed some attention and Nicki is too busy/absolutely does not care about this and won’t respond? Looks pretty one sided.

I’m still trying to figure out if I should actually know who Remy Ma is.

Last week’s GIRLS episode was fantastic. Self-aware and on point.

John Cougar flatters himself by referring to himself as a child. That’s actually insulting to children. He’s a dick. And this woman has never been able to stand him.