
I see the point you’re trying to make (and yours is a good one), but from what I’ve read up above, this couple is yes, profiting off other peoples’ lifestyle (one that they themselves mostly shared or shared for 40 years - it says vegetarian not vegan soooo?), but they are NOT profiting off their own animal product

I’ve been to enough trainings over many years to know that you cannot ask those questions in an interview and you’re opening yourself up to a discrimination lawsuit if you don’t hire the person. I don’t know how easy it’d be to win, but I know at my place of business we aren’t allowed to ask those types of questions.


Me too... also that Baby #2's name is Saint.

Your signature move is way more exciting than my flexibility move was (which was clasping my hands and then taking my arms forwards and backwards over my head popping my shoulders out). Boo to the EDS; I have friend that’s disabled as well from it. :(

Bridegroom is highly underused. I want to star this multiple times.

Gotcha. Your username reminded me of one on the boards so I was curious :) And Buffy knows no age group haha (said the now 31 year old in the middle of a millionth rematch with “Earshot” playing in the background).

As a total aside that will make no sense if the answer is no, but were you on the AOL Buffy boards?

Tuesday evenings were the best evenings, but I was definitely not adulting.

I JUST rewatched this episode last night. I will always click when there’s a Buffy reference. Always.

How about Mickey Mouse? #onlyhalfkidding

Okay, but real talk? I’m totally stoked he won Ohio (did I just say stoked? I can’t help my California sometimes). I will take any tiny ding or dent in Trump’s campaign just for the fact that I know people that will vote for whatever Republican candidate there is in order to NOT vote for the Democratic candidate (try

I can’t remember if I paid $4 or $5 in San Diego... it was probably $5 because I don’t remember change.

Hope it went well!

You should tell her. A friend’s mom once sent LOL in response to finding out someone died thinking the same thing your mom does. Thankfully, she sent it to someone who understood that she didn’t know what it meant, but it could have been way worse.

I’m in a constant stress bubble of “how will I afford...” and “can I pay for...” and that’s about what I make (with two additional side jobs). I haven’t even gotten new contacts in 2ish years or a haircut in over a year because I can’t afford the bills. I just keep repeating, “I love my city, I love my city...”

A Bollywood-style with nary a person of color in sight? This isn’t surprising... the show itself called it out (thank you Ramona!).

This is my fear. I think my parents could be swayed to vote for Sanders over Trump because they don’t actually LIKE Trump, but they are both VERY against Clinton and I know for sure my mom would vote for Trump of Clinton (which terrifies, embarrasses, and astounds me).

I would love a non-cutesy app, but if I can’t easily transfer years worth of data in Period Tracker then a switch just isn’t worth it to me. Did you import info from your older apps?

I was there last Monday and thinking to myself, I don’t remember it being 3D. The only disorienting part for me was the swoop on to the Quidditch Field and that may have not been a factor at all had I not just done the Dragon Challenge. The 3D can definitely be disorienting and I prefer NO ride be 3D. The Gringotts