Oh, the denim wall... and shirt tables.
Oh, the denim wall... and shirt tables.
I’m assuming that dental records don’t exist for the victim since no article seems to mention they already checked that? But, I’m guessing that Betsy has PROBABLY been to the dentist in the last 42 years so... maybe they never even checked/rechecked dental records?
I recently learned that my mother PAID $50 a month to have a job when we were younger. Her take home pay was less than what she paid in childcare, but she knew that if she didn’t start at entry level in her chosen career, she’d never be able to progress (and with three kids, she knew that she and my dad would need two…
Right?! I never asked, but knowing him, I’m guessing it was just “too normal.”
I once had a coworker named Zombie. Legal name (not given name).
I tend to do a half and half combo. I want and need eggs, but I want a higher protein ratio so I usually do whole eggs plus egg whites.
Ugh, I hate to hear that (because also, WALMART). Glad to know there are other good customers out there. I do hate that I have to do the work to confirm that I’m getting a truly handmade item and not a reseller. It’s just not what Etsy is supposed to be about.
(Aside: I did buy something from China once. It was from…
I’m surprised to see this reaction from sellers. I go to Etsy with the full intention of paying more for something because I know it will be unique or custom, etc... I assumed that was the norm. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good deal, I just don’t expect to find one on Etsy.
I worked the exhibition - I’m still fascinated. And yes yes yes to the plates!
Good on them - though I’m sure this isn’t the first time there’s been a suit of this type. Everyone knows fruit snacks aren’t healthy.
It might also depend on how his body reacted. When I drink vodka it takes a really long time for my body to react. I can drink and drink and drink and be totally fine, but then I go from totally sober (or feeling sober as well as appearing and acting sober to me and even those sober around me) to blacked out in…
Huge congrats on your sobriety. It’s not easy.
“willing to stay in...jail as long as it takes for her to win back her constitutional rights not just for her but for Americans of all faiths.”
Thanks! This headline was totally wrong. Unknowingly yes, but not the real story.
So, she’s not still getting paid to not do her job now that she’s in jail, right? I’m just still trying to understand this whole get paid to not work thing. Then again, Congress often gets paid to not work... so maybe I should just learn to accept flawed government salary requirements.
It’s okay. You gave proper warning. I mean shoot, even the first sentence and I had to go and keep reading. And I also NEED to know who Doctor is and has Doctor been caught because what the heck?!
But why, why did I click that link? I can’t unknow that.