
I’m contributing to the survival of greeting cards. I love cards and real mail rocks.

I just love Misty. I do feel like I have to mention (because I only just learned it myself earlier today... and I follow A LOT of ballet) Stella Abrera’s promotion to principal was also historic. She’s the first Filipino to become principal for the company. Great strides! (Epic leaps?)

Women’s soccer is WAY better than men’s soccer. Men’s soccer included way too much flailing on the ground and crying like babies for me. Disclaimer: I watch soccer during the World Cup and Olympics only.

I watched the World Cup on regular Fox with my antenna.

I can’t stop watching.

My past two JetBlue flights were their priority boarders (aka all of the front rows) then back to front. Personally, if I was priority, I would not want to board first and have people banging around with their carry ons and squeezing by and sitting on the plane that much longer.

I recently got back from a trip in which I flew JetBlue. I specifically chose them because they did not charge for a checked bag. So, I guess the next trip means JetBlue is OUT of the running.

Congrats Misty!! I have been WAITING for this news! Love seeing the love and the love from her company during the announcement too!

Well done Britney. WELL DONE.

I firmly believe in vaccines (okay, well maybe not chicken pox, come on guys, I had it as a kid and it really wasn’t that bad... but whatever, my sister got the vaccine and she never had it, isn’t she lucky). Anti-vaxxers drive me crazy.

Some of my white people showed up late to the game just after the Civil War so they maybe probably didn’t have slaves (but they were German, so there’s that), but some of my white people were here super early and got me related to Pocahontas so they probably also stole land, killed Natives, and had slaves (but

Why doesn’t this have ALL of the stars????

I really want this part of the story. Like, the real pictures to surface in an article and wife sees it herself even if this girl doesn’t have the guts to out him.


I honestly didn’t know Juneteenth or Jefferson Davis Day were things. Maybe it’s because I grew up in California? I’ve studied my fair share of U.S. History (college major), so even if it was overlooked in middle school and high school, I feel like I should have learned it in college. I’m equal parts appalled I didn’t

They played at my county fair back when this song was popular... the number of parents realizing what their kids were listening to and the number of teens realizing what was actually being sung/knowing what it was about and having to tell their parents “what songs do they sing” was comedic.

Totally NOT the point, but for serious, your eyelashes are amazing.

Nathan Fillion always deserves stars.

I know (and appreciate your response), but I still want to know. I do think that if it turns out the pregnancy was faked or if the baby is missing there will be additional details in future articles and if not one can probably assume everything was normal and healthy, but I’m nosy and want to know now.

Don’t the police know that’s what we want to know? (I mean I’m glad she’s safe too, but...)