
Miracle was surviving the crash that no one else survived, not getting eaten by wild animals while trekking through the wilderness, surviving the cold temperatures without the proper clothing....

I appreciate all of that you wrote here, but I still think this is a really good time for the word miracle too.

There's too much sad.

Santa usually brought us a couple presents (well, still does... and I'm almost 30), but never the big presents. I think it was partly because my parents wanted the credit and partly because grandparents or other family members may have helped with the bigger gifts (like maybe the Nintendo came from my parents, but

I'm going to just put it on internet comment record that I disagree with Black Widow being on this list. #willdanceandsingeverytime

I could accept an "until we get to school" if warranted, but obviously this school didn't do that or anything close to it.

I can't decide whether you've taken it too far with that second sentence or if you're just the kind of the person that likes to be angry.

I am glad to know I wasn't alone in thinking it was a dog's face.

Does Princeton Mom tweet? Because #notallyoungmen

Just a kiss, so I mean that Plan B was totally a waste of my money, right?

Yeah, and I realized I should have said little boy in my second sentence too. Beautiful long locks (or long fought any hair on the head) would certainly be traumatic for mom I think. But what can you do with clever and crafty little ones?

While not truly a May/December there, I'm of the she'd be too old for Liam opinion and was glad to see that things seem good with her hubby (unfortunate last name aside).

Or in the case of a little boy who has a head of short hair and you can easily shave the whole thing, you realize that the damage is already done. So, since you're going to have to shave it all off anyway, you may as well document the moment before your "teachable moment" with the difference between a comb and

She showed her natural texture on Scandal (at least from what I've read); I'd guess that Save the Last Dance was her natural texture too.

Same right here.

I agree that photography is intimate and personal... that inspiration and creativity go hand in hand. I also believe that as a photographer, it is my job to find that inspiration and that spark in my clients and to capture their beautiful, little moments of wonder, light, and life because SOMEONE loves them and that

I think the example you give is a fantastic one of where it could be difficult because you do want the client to receive the best photos of their experience, but in that situation you are looking at a case of a very different style of ceremony. I think you could tell your potential client, "well, I've never done an

While I see your point on the extreme reaction, I think Credible's point was that if you're going to skin and clean the rabbit, you better EAT the rabbit too (or otherwise burn).

I really hope there was some unladylike cursing in response.

I hadn't considered the possibility of them using SeaWorld's facilities, but that could make sense. And at least at the Zoo, most likely a lot of the recent development has come from specific grants and probably specific fundraising campaigns (for example, AZA increased their elephant standards in 2006 and Elephant