
Just pick a slightly different Porsche.

Dynamic Outlet pNeumo-Kinteic System.

Buy these things? PITA to put them out/put back each time, but it would work.

I don’t think I could be convinced to spend a long time confined to a ship, unless it was the only way to get someplace else I wanted to be.

grasping at straws....

That. That right there deserves COTD if anything ever did! Made me bark laughter.

Those aren’t donuts, those are Cheerios.

Is it just me or did anybody else initially read this as “How to turn your own Civic into a Type R”?

Disagree. This law is fantastic. It shouldn’t just be a pull over for faster traffic rule. OK is ahead of the curve on this one.

btw not a hater, just an owner.

Did they bring a blown head gasket too?

Not only that, what he managed here was neither simple nor easy. Fixing a dead engine is one thing; cobbling together all this random crap and getting it to work is genuine accomplishment.

fucking beautiful.

The issue, he said, is that the tech quite likely “classified her as something other than a stationary object.”

I don’t think you’re going to get a lot of support for your basic premise that Subarus are ugly. I don’t love all the cladding on some models, but they’re fine.

Jason, Jason, Jason. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk.

I enjoy The Grand Tour, and both shows are scripted. I hope both continue. Competition = good.

well in defense... what the hell was the cop doing just sitting there? Waiting on an invitation?! I feel the road rage just watching that... GOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Yeah, I mean don’t go around them, but there really wasn’t any need for the cop to be stopped there, they have a lane in front of them, so pull into it, and merge at speed rather than trying to do it from a stop.

“My fantastic fantasy prototype car that we aren’t even building yet is faster than your car that’s been on the market for 5 years!” Congratulations Porsche. You’re only a couple year away from beating a car Tesla was selling in 2012.