
So 99% of the time the Eletric bus is totally fine (once they have a good working version of it), and you keep ICE bus for the football team/others to do those longer trips in. Wow that was an amazingly difficult problem to solve in 3 seconds...

The early Model S also had the Large Drive Unit (LDU), where coolant would seep into the inverter assembly. This is probably what killed all of the previous motors as even the replacements still had the flawed design. Only recently has Tesla been able to mitigate the flaw by bypassing the coolant line to the motor

There is a reddit thread on this. The original motor lasted like 600k? and then they use refurb units as replacement, so obviously they have a serious rebuild problem on this old style motor. Which also likely happens since they dont use this style motor anymore.                                                       

Impressive, but not unexpected for one of the highest resale value vehicles in the US. A more equal comparison would be a BMW 3 series, luxury, with a little back of the mind worry about long term reliability.

I see 3-4 per day. 

ONLY pointing out the negative, and not quantifying it with any sort of rational thought, as pointed out by David K below, “the harvesting of trees has been behind new trees since sometime in the 1930s, so ultimately a non-issue”, is anti EV.

Thats great to have options and they actually help. Eventually plan to get solar, and then TOU, so solar during the day while its expensive, then have cheap overnight power to live on.

But what s your total rate, since you cant switch all your usage to night. tested TOU power, and it basically was exactly the same kWh/cost as just the straight rate, but with a lot of extra work. “Dont run the dish washer tll after 10pm, dont start the dryer till after 10pm, dont charge the car till after 10pm, etc

“OH no, if you want EVs we have to cut all the trees down!!!!”

FRS - so the detractors will say “Thats a Subaru” but Toyota still signed off on it...

This is a suprisingly poorly writen aricle.

So the rare time a significant repair is needed on a battery/drive unit when its outside of its 10 year 100k powertrain warranty? I think my Toyotas gas motor going out at 51k miles 1500 miles from home, and costing 6k to replace myself (after spending a weekend retrieving the car) was a high cost of repair...

Yep canceled long ago due to price increase, and not being able to buy the Pro version.

I was an early reservation holder, but by the time i was “invited” to order, my 40k truck was 54, but you still couldn’t order that, so it would have been 60s. So just completely canceled it.

Looks like my response didn’t get submitted, so will try and summarize real quick. Please demonstrate how my math doesn’t work. Ill do the easy calculation for you, the base accord costs 27,295, the M3 rwd after tax credit is 30,330. So given US average prices (as stated above), and the cost per mile difference, it does my math not work? Since its math, it should be easy for you to prove my math wrong, and not just make a blanket statement that it doesn’t work. All the math above is based on your example of an entry level Accord (and its corresponding MPG). I guess I didnt explicitly spell it out, since its simple math,

That was in the “Inflation reduction” act that got the 7500 back, billions to add chargers. 

As someone that just went from a PHEV to an EV, I will say a lot of my concerns about the swap have been proven unfounded. There are definite legitimate limitations for going electric, but for any house with more than 1 vehicle in it, there really aren’t many left. It is rare that a family would be going hundreds of

Soo00... the average American drives 39 miles per day, are you suggesting that a 25% range hit in Minnesota would mean EVs dont work there? The fact is even in those conditions, people generally only use a small % of their battery capacity. 

A base Accord is not an apples to apples, cloth vs leather, no power seats, no heated seats (front and rear) or wheel, no sun/moon/glass ceiling, no dual/triple zone climate, no heated side mirrors, 192hp/192 torque vs 271hp/310t. Accord base motor gets, 29/37/32 mpg rating. So using the US average price of gas @