
That’s pretty cool and sad.

Yet sony has yet to let players get proper mods. 

i know it had its issues but i still enjoyed it, i found it full of content left me coming up with theories about the first two movies.

No thanks Capcom can keep this one. The game sucks, really tired of these console exclusive games.

Super disappointing to see Over hyped, peice of dung pie, Overwatch get game of the year. Soo many games came out this year, lots of potential, Overwatch gets it. Overwatch is nothing new does anyone remember Time splitters ps2 title shooter. I’m sad for the future of gaming.

By far the coolest thing bethesda has done for a fan. Soo awesome!

sadly it takes mods to make this game remotely interesting.

damn thats an ugly system i hope this isn’t sony’s new system!

Fallout 4 is terrible plain and simple! Lots of features in the game that break immersion. im not one for killable children but the freedom to decide who you want to be and not how your told to play should be reconsidered by bethesda and fixed.

I expected better from Bethesda this time around fallout 4 is Ok! the dialog, no moral choice, I’m a concerned father without the chance of becoming a character i want to be. this might be minor to some but this really made me upset, weapons vanish after you holster them! like wtf? the changes in the game aren’t for

Great article although i disagree with the dj being hilarious. Id rather three dog or someone else remotely more interesting.

where were these people? i completely missed them during my last 4 days at NYCC damn!

Im trying to love metal gear solid 5 but everything about the game isnt doing it for me, there’s some unique things here and there but it looks like kojima paid too much attention to complaining fans during the last few games which i believe inspired him to create this mess. Metal gear is dead kojima screwed the pooch

Not to mention the endings were horrible!

With paul dini gone of corse this game is gonna be shakey in terms of story. Every time someone leaves project that they made great, its gonna be at the mercy of someone else’s ideas which may compromise quality!

They should’ve kept dinklage

Yesss i can’t wait!

If this was the same guy who thought it was a good idea for paul mc cartney to create that awful song for destiny then im glad this guy got fired that song was horrible.