Will Johnny Depp at least make a cameo?
Will Johnny Depp at least make a cameo?
I actually want to like the Ram Rebel. The plasticky-jowl grille though .. not a great look:
Question: I’ve heard that if you build anything larger than a hen house (in France), you must, by law, hire a unionized contractor. Did these castle builders circumvent that by calling it an “art installation”, or was building it without modern tools enough to eliminate that requirement?
.. or in a lavish private home on full display in the main room for any and all to see!
Yeah, agreed. I saw the video. Interesting, but irrelevant to the Chinese Disneyland story.
Someone in her position should have been more careful on the cyber security front, she was entirely accountable.
Oh nice. I’ve been pigeonholed as a Bush supporter by an internet asshole. His crimes will be answered for in this life or the next. I don’t know why he’s immune from prosecution, or why he cannot be tried for war crimes. And I dont know why you seem to defend criminal Hilary, unless it really is okay for one…
I think I just puma’d a little.
I’ll bet I know who Hyundai hires for their ad campaign:
Isn’t Local Motors crowd-sourcing a track focused sports car? I haven’t read much about it since last year.
“Makes me think we won’t end up at war on the Fury Road over the one last tanker truck full of water on the wasteland.”
Wow. Sensitive about administration’s in the past. Such strong language that I doubt you’d use to my face or anyone elses. I didn’t mean to unhinge you, so please chill.
Since Gawker is on the chopping block, could Jay use an excellent contributor to his popular show?
Yeup, just watch the news reporters and you can see how dumb they think we all are.
If ANY of us did what she did, we would be in prison already.
“BUSH DID IT” is a tired, fake, counter argument.
“... there are still those among us with dangerous intentions.”
At least our lawmakers’ children and our Senators’ children would be exempt. Dying in government mandated “war” is for the poors and unconnected.
Those cars are NOT hers, but she is going to assist in the auctioning of them off.
I’ve always been partial to the look of the Lonestar, but it is not very luxurious.