
Doesn’t work, anymore. Sony hotfixed it before you published the article.

You’re exactly right. People just don’t know how to fucking read, nowadays...

I seriously think the only other company that rivals Nintendo with the bullshit is Toei.

You didn’t actually click the link in the article to see the video, did you? He didn’t have the gun in his hand. That’s part of why he’s suing!

And the cop was supposed to magically know the idiot refusing to drop his weapon at a crime scene was actually unloading and not reloading his weapon?

(also that “Volunteers for Ukraine” Reddit page seems to be using a flipped and slightly altered version of Guerrilla Games’ logo which is fitting when you imagine the sort it’s probably attracting)


No, he’s telling the dipshit PR person running the account to fuck off and get Wendy to call him. “I’m not honestly convinced of the source of that social media post” is important context.

So, other than attacking the author for her age, what’s *actually* wrong with the article?

But you used a Bugatti for a pic??? Lol!

Until the shit happens in your town and your PD doesn’t have the appropriate response for it, so you have to wait for a unit from the next town over if they even have a unit themselves...

Police Unions aren’t unions. They’re cults with dues.

I think the author should learned about the solid waste handling process and learn that “Poop Trains” were always a thing and our shit can only be disposed of 2 ways: Incineration and landfilling. Cities that are too densely packed together can not handle their own sludge disposal because there is nowhere to put it

*Some cities in NY and NJ

“But with fair use so ill-respected in so many territories, and YouTube creators with no control over where their content will be shared once they upload there’s certainly a long way to go.”

Hunting rifles are also semi-automatic and can have detachable magazines.

I used to get the Deluxe Double Cheeseburger until they rejigged it and made it a Spicy Double Cheeseburger. The Deluxe Double Cheeseburger actually evolved into Triple Cheeseburger form, though!

Until those sumbitches drop and won’t come up out of the door frame.

I didn’t see any of this backlash BS when Jin came out with “Speak Chinese” as a member of the fucking Ruff Ryders... People started learning how to speak Chinese (or Mandarin)!!!

That’s a common misconception. AR stands for “ArmaLite Rifle” since ArmaLite was the company that invented the design. They then sold the design to other companies.