
Musk is one of those “states rights” asshats that don’t like when the states use those rights to do something he and others like him don’t like. Then, it’s “ERMUHGAWD!!!” like the whiny bitches they are.

Who defines when the pandemic is “over” btw?

It’s funny how mostly teens latch on to this meme like it’s brand new when it’s really just a rehash of the word “simpleton” and nothing more. Of course, it’ll get run down in due time because that’s how the internet uses memes these days; everybody has to have their own corny take.

Bounty retrieval and FOMO were discussed last week. Those changes are also coming with the changes in this article.

That’s what extradition on federal charges is for ;-)

Viacom has always been one of those asshole networks. I knew this since 2008 when they were on their supreme Youtube/false-DMCA bullshit.

I don’t really blame that Gov for not knowing there was an actual Tupac out there. He just shouldn’t have used any names as examples in the first place. There was no way he was a big enough fan of the rapper to know that his birth name wasn’t Tupac Shakur. I knew that because I LIVED Death Row back in the day.

Sue for negligent homicide. They could have attempted to save her but didn’t knowing full well the consequences of not doing so. They waited until it was too late in order to ration tests for more “deserving” patients (read: not black).

Holy shit, that’s great! I haven’t seen this level of exposé/trolling in a while, lol.

The Smackdown vs Raw series was rolled into WWE ‘12 which rolled into the WWE 2K series. It’s dead and gone unless there’s a reboot.

Sim swapping has nothing to do with you leaving your phone down. It’s a social engineering tactic used on the cell service provider. This is how some high-profile people got their iclouds and such “hacked” and their stuff leaked.

I encountered console cheaters in MW 1&2 on Ps3. They used savegame exploits to enable aimbots. With PS4, the system was designed with savegame exploits in mind so that they’re almost impossible to get to work.

Yup! That’s when the original “Cheater’s Pool” was crafted iirc.

That’s even more of a reason to back off the chase. Agitating a drunk driver to flee is even more dangerous than chasing him sober. Back off and lull him into a false sense of security and then catch him down the road with an unmarked car.

“I call these people the modern-day Rosa Parks — they are protesting against injustice and a loss of liberties,” Stephen Moore, a conservative economist and a member the White House council to reopen the country, said, according to the Post.

American Right-Wing Christians, like RWNJs and the Constitution, have no interest in actually knowing what they worship.


And how does this reach (most) people that don’t live on the internet like we do? This is Rainyb’s whole point.

He’s lying just like Georgia’s Gov. did.