Bongino’s race is Moron.
Bongino’s race is Moron.
Not every American needs to get tested. Just the ones who think they may have the virus.
just avoid Chrome if you’re trying to block ads, data trackers, and keep your identity obfuscated.
Here you go:
Interesting that this is the first time you’re posting here. You’re not new to these parts yet this is the first time you’ve been moved to post here yet all the stories of Black people being abused didn’t move you to comment.
Thus why this “hands off” approach to moderation by letting the “grey” system do all of the work is fucking stupid and the article authors need to clean up the comment sections of their articles themselves. Stop being fucking lazy about it! This applies to all sites under Kinja.
Fucking Kinja and the auto-scroll and having to refresh the page because the comments didn’t show, which actually loads the next page that was in the auto-scroll queue... All leading to a catastrophic moment of “Being Kinja’d” where you think you’re posting on one page when it’s really another!
I’ll reiterate what one tweet said in that thread:
It feels like it’s always a messaging problem with Bungie.
That stat trackers that’ve got people leaving were tracking pinnacle activities and activities that aren’t around anymore and shows that “they were around to see it” like Bungie always uses that damn line. People had flawless trials stats that were going to help them get on teams for the new trials and others were…
Some stats? It’s majority of them. Have you looked into what you’re mocking people over?
The outrage mainly comes from the loss of stat trackers that were valuable to LFG groups for pinnacle activities since it was a way to see how much experience a person has with the activity. Think about the flawless Trials of the Nine clears that people were going to use to get into groups and for groups to get…
Turns out somebody else covered it -
We used to have one before Kinja. People were downvoted unto oblivion for typing stupid shit all of the time. Those were the days...
You didn’t even touch on the thing that’s got the community reeeeeeally pissed: They killed 2.5 years worth of stats that showed up on the emblems before the new season dropped and with that, it erased treasured Y1 emblem stats. And not just the stats. If you got an aura from a high score hightfall, that shit’s gone…
Real talk, I would probably take an XFL 2K over Madden any day; potential MTX and all. I haven’t played Madden since 2007 and NFL 2K even longer (because it died after the EA/NFL deal).
Last week, director of The Long Dark, Raphael van Lierop, wrote on Twitter that Nvidia never asked permission to stream the game on its service. “Please take your complaints to them, not us. Devs should control where their games exist.”
Serious question: what is stopping Nvidia from simply offering this service as a virtual machine streaming service, instead of a game streaming one?
Were you drinking?