
Rockstar did it with GTA V on PS3/PS4 before and during the latter’s launch. People asked them if they were releasing a PS4 version so they could hold off on buying an “inferior” copy. The company straight up lied by saying there weren’t any plans for it. And then they released the PS4 version at full price...

2pac was right about her. Every single word was correct.

Man, dude just doesn’t want to serve gaijin and is trying to hide behind the coronavirus.

Whenever you see a Trump tweet done in 3rd person, it’s the communications director or one of the underlings. They’re so far up Trump’s ass, his name is in their mouths even when they’re pretending to be him.

Not gonna lie, that looks sweet. They turned an Xbox into a Jordan shoe box!

Part of the reason they didn’t catch the issue was because their test accounts were set up to function exactly like normal accounts and grabbed from the available servers at random. None of the servers grabbed were the bugged servers.

I read their statement and from what I saw, all they needed was one test console to be used outside of their dev environment so they could see it how the player would see it. From inside the studio, everything seemed fine to them. And they also had numerous chances to notice the bug but looked right over it because

They weren’t always transparent. They’ve gone radio silent numerous times before only to come out like this when there’s one too many major fuckups. Early on in D2's life, they were talking in such vague dialogue to the point it was pissing people off over the pretentiousness they had towards their own community. The

Io know about that...

You’re as bad as goddamn cdwag14.

Dude looks like he was out there eating an orange’s WHOLE ass.

“It’s just a phase!”

I would have went “table for none because nobody’s trying to hear that shit” myself.

Ben knows. He’s just paid to defend that orange fucker like that. It’s all about the Benjamins to Benjamin Carson.

Their donations are close in size so what? It does not prove that anyone bribed anyone over a piddly 40K to rig the elections.

He did not Gillibrand put in more but sure leds get all worked up on conspiracy started by the guy who brought you Pizzagate.

Pete put the most in. And you know what happens when you put the most money in. Stuff goes higher in your favor.

If you ended up throwing your hands in the air and walking away, I totally understand where you’re coming from. It’s the same thing that happened with trying to explain “Swine Flu” a few years ago.

Nah. Donation is the correct word because it carries its own subtext: You’re WILLFULLY GIVING these proceeds out of the kindness of your heart rather than expecting something in return.

making matters worse is that this new version of the game is now the default edition, with players unable to (officially) go back and play the game as it used to be.