I agree that it really isn’t needed.
I agree that it really isn’t needed.
I loved the first Baldur’s gate. The third was interesting as well. Every one loved the 2nd (except for someone being murdered).
Now that is a good idea. At least for 1 year.. All Greeks. This is an old boys/girls club that your dad and maybe my mom went to. To make friends and shake hands with the right kinds of people. Yea I know.
What I don’t get is that he was tremendously talented. He might have won on his own without the bullshit.
I went to a Costco to buy that massively huge box of tampons that will last the rest of my reproductive life. (Not true.,. I just went to eat the freebs)
I will be so glad when they have reached a point of no return. You know the point when no one finds them ridiculous enough to follow.
Yes, Kinja is tied to the millions of VMware and HyperV servers not owned but run by the Illuminati.
Wait, you gave up a perfectly good religion that teaches you to hate your sinful self and tell the priest all about it?
Catholic here to.. It pisses me off to no end that the sisters bless their dual wielding steel edged ruler hearts, get crap like this don’t. I mean sisters teach. help, heal and deal with boys (in my view one of the few actual miracles that they perform on a somewhat daily basis).
No one, in their right mind would want more than 1 virgin in their life. Are you insane? 9999. And I am speaking for women and men. Jesus, men are if anything worse. No Oh NO Wrong ho... your finished?
At any time, if your brave enough. You can go to the door. Put your shoes on and walk out to a new life. I have done it. I left and it made all the difference.
Actually, I liked my inlaws much better than I liked my family. Ja. It wasn’t a pretty story book family but we (to my knowledge never committed suicide or killed anyone so hey! ahem).. Nothing is perfect. The 7:30 stuff is all fun for the cameras. Roll’em.
I think the Archbishop kinda sold it out from under them.
One top sheet and one blanket or, if it gets really cold. Yea I keep it 65 all the time and sleep in undies. If it gets really cold I have a small down comforter. Nothing beats down, it’s light as a feather and keeps you toasty. The cat will always be found on top of the down comforter.
Hahaha! I see what you did there...
I wonder if she were put out? I mean sha, shes got this nice top on and the girls are on prominent display.
Honestly I play this game and none of these issues bother me. I think back to the game that have been broken at launch or badly designed and I just see this beautiful game chugging along perfectly fine.
Good call, I would think that his has been as close to hell as she ever wanted to get while living. My boss loves Trump, despite all the evidence, despite the way he acts and treats other people.
Ok my one comment on Destiny 2. Content. It is good I like it and That is It.
Honestly, where do you think he got those rifts? Listening to Mr. Johnson, Mr Waters, and Mr James. Those men were bending, hammering on and sliding for a long time before Eric was born.