
Oh..sorry! I wonder if empathy should be taught by pain for you then pain for me to every being on the planet.

Do you know how hard it is to get those nails equal depth. I mean sha people just look at any box of 10 penny nails its impossible. I know I nailed some boards together for a school project, had to buy my brother 2 milky ways to finish it. He liked it. boys are weird.

Wow .. that was inspired.

Kaaatieeee! was that an I’d jump his bones cause hes cute but I would need a gag and handcuffs comment? :) he he.. yea I know

I thought that tea was tea. I gave english breakfast(It is black tea labeled as such in the US) to my friend from the UK and asked him what he called it. We call it tea was all he said.

How does this make anyone happy? Children? No. Him? No. Her? No. You have gone from one moping guy to a busted up family. Is it outside the aspect of normal employment? Yes. Does it address her needs? Has he even asked her? I have seen this before where people make themselves over to attract and entice but don’t

Does this mean it is really time for me to upgrade from my 2004 with 27,0000 miles?

Maybe he was a decent human being but I have never seen power make a person more humble more empathetic or more fair minded.

I think men make a deal out of it cause, you know men.

I can’t breath cause I inhaled my drink after reading that. You rascal!

I hope you didn’t get him/her fired? You know how many nda’s people have to sign now days.

You actually hate these men? They did wrong for a long time. I hate their behavior and probably wouldn’t let them near me but you HATE them? Serious language.

You know, I know and everyone with 2 neurons to rub together knows. That men are the flip side to women. So knock it off. We need to get along.

That is the best reason to wear one I have ever heard. Not because your Elder told you to.

I think you have it wrong. If you wear any attire that covers you from view at the behest of your religion or it’s the expected and proper dress as set by the leaders of that religion. Who just so happen to be MEN. You are under their control.

Ok the skinny is that they are doing this because he is actually confessing to God via the priest. (Yeah that Martin Luther thing did the end run around that). So no intercessor.

Great catch.. Pictures or it didn’t.... Oh you got pictures. :p Are you sure that’s the same beast? Could this one be like The Kid of the beast? Beast Jr.? He’s chip off the old 666?

Jeeze, can’t we just kill him? I know it’s not the same as unremitting boredom of a life sentence, but he isn’t worth saving to draw a breath on this planet. Sorry, but I would push the button on a pay per view show.

His wife, smart lady. Get out of Dodge and send the attack dogs, er lawyers.

I believe that there are a substantial number of GOP who are Christian Fundamentalists.