We need to go places in 2020 where he ruled before and ask them are you better now than you were 4 years ago because he seems to do these things out of spite.
We need to go places in 2020 where he ruled before and ask them are you better now than you were 4 years ago because he seems to do these things out of spite.
Absolutely right. You answered the one question I asked myself.
People put up tons of money for those boxes in Overwatch. I seriously think my freaking Mercy looks fine in standard. Well I’m 130 ish so I have a few, but I could get a tatoo of a golden butt and it wouldn’t change my Mercy play.
I am sorry but a great deal of attention is paid to make sure the health and safety of the inmates is safeguarded.
I am proud of everyone of them. I have carried those fire hoses they are Unbelievably heavy. Thank you volunteers! Do not make this a political thing it isn’t, it is volunteers helping.
Now. Now. No fat shaming! Everything else, spot on.
Randall, you know this is just unfair. I am from Chicago. Pizza is just undeniably different there. The sauce and (thin crust) the Italian sausage. It is unique. I didn’t use better because well, you know everyone has their ideas on pizza, but we know.
I took a tour of it back when they allowed the public to walk through. It is a fine and elegant mansion. You don’t need 24carot gold on all the faucets to appreciate that you are living or walking through a monument representing the people of the United States of America. It isn’t what it is, it is what it represents.
It is certainly a great idea but I wonder if it will be as good as they show on that chart? Things like elevation, relative humidity, gas octane rating and other things will change the efficiency.
Jesus Christ.. Can they call themselves Police what so ever? This is horrible. God, we need the dept of justice to prove something so damnable on Trump that he and his spawn leave politics forever.
No worries Miles, I agreed good call on the Pendulum idea but you know that situations like this don’t get defused unless you through a lot of police and national guard at it.
Barach Obama would have been on TV defusing this stuff calling the wounded helping the families. Man I love that man and his family. . I feel like he was the best president in the last 50 years.
Thanks Léon Foucault!
Yea I am thinking the books use very old writing that were not changed or adapted to the times. I also think racist is a bit strong.
Ignore him. The single best thing you can do to a blow hard like this. Ignore his arrogance.
Nah, it’s life our mouths have little lives of their own. Our stomachs pay for that fiesta. :/
Exactly, I grew up in Chicago, we had Italian, Irish, Polish, Croatian, just in one block. Jewish on the next block over. It was a cacophony of languages. Some of the kids could speak English, German and Croatian.
Mhmm I wonder if we can get these guys to redo mass effect andromeda :0
God, if there is one thing I love it is Samoas. My friend gave me a package last month.
I always pegged jc as a butt man? Crap I am out of luck.