
I had three sisters in the 90's (coincidentally I have three sisters today, too), so every gift receiving occasion inevitably brought new bottles of cucumber melon into our house…I "tried" the lotion once, and now classic cucumber melon is the scent of shame.

Least-skippable implies that they're all skippable, but some less so because "they're okay, I guess…" I don't care for the Beatles, but I do like some of their songs when done by other people—especially Benson's "I Want You (SSH)"…

"Back in the day when I was a teenager…" ATCQ 1991

Best line @1:05 "Dr Brownie, When you someone eat it?"

Ever since the iMac arrived and everyone lost their shit over such a
ugly POS computer I have avoided Apple products. No iPad, no iPhone, no
stupid watch. Hated every fucking commercial with the stupid hipster
music (….etc., ad nauseum) and seethed every month as a new
batch of business mags stuck (and still

Bro, does Astronautalis even rap? (I know, yes—but, he's not really a rap artist.)…With albums such as Pomegranate (which is incredible) I would consider him more aligned with the indie rock spectrum, but without all the baggage (guitars, lutes, banjos, violas, etc. and the bearded schlubs that work them)…

I first heard of them after Camu Tao sampled "I Would Hurt A Fly" for Cage's "Ballad of Worms." I immediately tracked down Perfect from Now On and then Keep It… and then Ancient…I usually don't listen to much rock—that's how good these fellas are. I'll binge listen to their discography on long road trips.

Absolutely…he is an adequate lyricist and the production is good to great, but it has been done before and better. I like the album, but I'm not wanting to listen to it…

After reading a ridiculous amount of idiotic comments like this on Facebook, I came here expecting to find legitimate praise for the performance…people really hate those t-shirts…this may be a first for hatred for not wearing the shirt…anywho, I thought the performances were excellent.

Preaching to the choir here, but I feel it's necessary to post whenever and wherever that Mike Mictlan dropped one of the best hip-hop albums in 2014…like RTJ2 good—I go back and forth between the two with a Hail Mary Mallon thrown in for good measure…looking forward to the new album…

fuck that noise

There are exceptions to every rule, but first you should probably define pop music. Was Nirvana pop just because they became popular? Also, too, Kurt might still be alive had he stopped making music you monster! *runs away sobbing*

When they become parents (applies to men, too).

I still use e-mail…since 1999 judging by the earliest e-mail I can find.

Considering D'Angelo got his whole jazzy-soul-steez from Prince's album "Come" and adding his flourishes of Princely screams and moans, a D'Angelo album is simply a proxy Prince album. That said, D'Angelo's albums are certainly the best Prince albums since "Come".

I've now listened to both exactly once. I cannot tell which is more awful.

There's nothing finer than Larry in a diner….because he's fat. These are the jokes!