
Come on now Chris, Trump doesn’t want to be Hitler. He was a loser. Trump would rather be Stalin.

I don’t think Mitt Rmoney had 4 of his sons speak, though, to be fair, his grandchildren did make up 47% of the audience.

So Trump is giving the log cabin republicans some air time? Will Tebow come out?

I guess Trump didn’t want to have the lowest rating in the room.

Cleveland hasn’t seen a lineup with that kind of star power since the ‘91 Indians

I’m all about tying the design elements together and going for a the cleanest look, but in the case of the seat belt buttons, I think the red is important. It facilitates egress in an emergency, especially if the occupant is unconscious and a first responder is trying to do things quickly and effectively.

You guys are fucked in the head. If this makes a big difference to you I suggest seeking a therapist asap.

Proof of knowledge cannot melt a statue.

“...nobody should be punished for trying to protect their race.”

Tall and tan and young and lovely
The girl from Ipanema goes walking and
When she passes, each one she passes goes “ahhh, she probably has Zika.”

“As long as my pink-eye proof bio-hazard broadcast suite is ready, I’m good to go”

Years ago, my friends and I would watch this video at least once a week. It is never not unintentionally hilarious. Although that may be because we frequented the version with Benny Hill layered over top

I honestly couldn’t care less about this Ford GT at LeMans. The original was awesome because it set a goal for the overall win against all nay-sayers. This one isn’t proving anything.


Definitely no shit holes in Azerbaijan

To be fair, this is a pretty landscape from Azerbaijan,

well... to be fair to bernie... i dont think the lizardpeoples education system spends a huge amount of time on human laws... now.. how to season humans correctly.. would be a different story...

Reader John is a dick. Why harass some overworked minimum wage grunts who get disrespected and shat on every day by the public ? Where's the big victory in fucking with the underdog? 'Aw ho ho I got you good, you fuckers!' This is bullying. It sounds like a great prank to the other middle class white collar fatcats