Talking Head

The only thing dumber than some of us is all of us, together.

Lovecraft is one of my favourite writers. I’ve found, in the past couple of years, that reading Lovecraftian fiction is actually soothing to me. Especially with this election season, contemplating cosmic horror and annihilation puts me in a great mood.

Houdini had a whole collection of drowned clones connected to his famous water tank escape trick.

You spelled Dr. Orpheus wrong.

I’m just happy to see John Goodman in anything. I think he’s one of the finest, under the radar actors out there.

I make my own with fresh orange juice and orange zest and a shot of brandy plus all. the. sugar. It’s quite edible.

Great answer! I gotta know what he said when you nailed him with that...

I am amazed at your level of self-awareness at 15. Congratulations.

I used to comment regularly on Jezebel for years (under a different name) and stopped because of the feeling the author describes when someone she assumed would be an ally made her feel unwelcome.

personally, I liked The Fold better. Creighton-y.

On a second date about ten years ago, I said to the guy sitting across from me, “So, I like you, you’re totally awesome. But I’m not looking just for a fun time, I’m looking for a long term relationship. I mean, I’m dating other people and I’m not saying we have to be serious, but generally speaking I’m ready to

Call of Cthulhu -

I’m willing to trade three Tony Vornskyr cards for a Tryst Valentine if anyone has one.

Grandpa! Stop yelling at clouds! Who let you out of the nursing home!?

“no real Avengers” “forgettable bird guy”

It’s gotten a documentary treatment, but I think a more narrative treatment would suit the Bone Wars quite well. Rival scientists trying to dig up and identify as many different dinosaur species as possible for the money and fame. Attempting to torpedo each others careers. It’s great movie material.

Going bonkers. I love the first game absolutely to death. This and Fallout 4 in the same press conference? All my dreams are coming true.

We went to Orlando for a week and then right after our parents told us they were getting a divorce. Wompwomp.