Blathering Rick Horton

I've got to give him credit, the "gay friend doing a psychology experiment and seeking reactions from others" is by far the most clever way to excuse behavior I've ever heard.

Some stupid country song. But in all seriousness, I bet these people got DRUNK that night.

Dugout seats are great, but they are almost not worth it. I used to go to college games and sit right above the dugout. I was too distracted by the possibility of having a fractured skull to actually pay attention most of the time.

So good. +1

When your buddy asks you to be a groomsmen, he's basically asking you for $1,000, minimum.

I'd take a look at those links. You're right in your earlier post about me not wanting to get faster. I don't really care to go incredibly fast.


Well, this confirms everything I ever believed about people from Texas.

Ok, good. My runner's ego took a major plummet when I read 7:05 was easy.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is satire, and I'm being an overly-defensive idiot. But I'm genuinely curious as to whether amongst the running population, a 7 minute mile is considered very easy.

Its probably not fast for ex-college runners or something, but I'd be willing to wager that even amongst your average runner, 7:05 miles is pretty freaking fast.

I feel like I'm in good shape. I'm 27 and usually run 8 minute miles for about three miles a couple times a week. 7:05 for 26 miles is INSANELY FAST.

Emily Post reference is so right on. +1

Now that you mention it Tom, Cowherd is a quintessential Rovellian. The dude is obsessed with freaking ratings. He quotes those things like any of us understand what a 3.5 rating means.

Bryan Bickell is a goon.

Yeah, but Carlos Gomez's team isn't the one who is bitching about unwritten rules. I only care about players getting angry in the defense of dumb unwritten rules.

My response to this is, what difference does it really make? How does this concern Cole? If Gomez wants to be stupid and hurt his team by not hustling out a fly ball, let him be stupid.

But again, how does this have to do with Cole or affect the Pirates' chances of winning. The answer is zero, which is why Cole's anger is so dumb.

Possibly. But how is this Cole's business? If anything, Gomez's bonehead move helped the Pirates. Why are they upset about that?

I've never have understood the anger over pimping home runs. Cole started this whole thing by throwing a horrible pitch. If he should be mad at anyone it should be himself.