Blathering Rick Horton


You, sir, have so much determination, though.

The greatest travesty is that ESPN didn't include DemetryJames86's recollection of this moment in their video montage. Second greatest travesty, his original video doesn't exist.


I'm a Mizzou fan and still cannot get used to the "S-E-C" chant. Do Target and WalMart executives pat each other on the back after one store successfully manages to close a Mom and Pop? I don't think so.


Now playing

Not to get too off topic, but whenever someone uses the word "boost" I can't help but thinking of Ray demanding Bubbles jump his car with a lawnmower.

This does make a lot of sense. How else would this guy be able to report as much as he does without being so hopped up?

Extremely jealous. Looked great on TV can't imagine what it was like in person.

What ever happened to buying Rob Ford's crack video? Also, is he a surefire bet for Deadspin Hall of Fame?

Anybody know what that last soccer highlight is from?

Man, I remember the first time I tried to say something intelligent about baseball.

I'm sorry, this never gets old.

This post gets all the points.

I agree with your post wholeheartedly. While I sympathize with the author's past, I cannot get past the fact that a criminal defense attorney is actively advocating for prosecutor's to take questionable cases to trial. She probably knows better than any of us that there are 1,000's of innocent people across this

I'm surprised that as a defense attorney, the author is advocating taking a questionable case to trial. I don't know about her, but I'd rather 1,000 guilty men go free than one innocent man go to prison.

Rape and/or sexual assaults are a horrible societal problem. Particularly with athletes. But the other horrible societal problem is that we somehow treat rape and sexual assaults differently in how we treat those accused of those crimes. See Duke Lacrosse.