
Did you miss the joke?

They didn’t know about that part. And not everyone is strong enough to leave their family behind in favor of their own emotional well-being. Take into account that she was raised in a culture that dictates putting yourself ahead of your parents for any reason is a mortal sin, and this is what you get. In her mind, it

And one of the saddest things is, I bet the hiring deck was stacked against you from the outset because you didn’t have connections. And I bet your family is not aware how much connections and class origins matter.

There should be a support group for people who were raised to be the “golden ticket” of the family.

I’m in a somewhat similar place mentally/emotionally (not planning on killing anyone tho). The lies come from a place of deep guilt and shame. She was always told that was supposed to be “better” than what she was - she was intelligent, which meant that she was supposed to be the smartest, which meant that she’s

These massive block quotes of what he said are completely out of context.

Yes, it was, but not by a ton. Everyone looks vaguely The Same Age if you’re old and not paying attention.


It’s so incredibly old-fashioned, too — being a lawyer is an awfully shitty (and relatively low-paying) career choice for many these days, and doctors don’t have it all that great either. You’d think they would get with the times and perhaps encourage the kids to be the next great tech entrepreneurs or what have you.

Good for you, Ashley! You get a “This is irrelevant and no one gives a fuck" star for the day!

When I was in hs, I divulged to both friends and a youth pastor (ADULT) some physical abuse that was going on in my home. NO ONE HELPED ME; in fact, the general “advice” I got was some mix of deserving it to “not seeing it” to just grin and bear it until you are 18.

This entire story is just so sad. I grew up similarly, although I skirted the not allowed to do anything with school projects that took place after school which still allowed me some social life. But I wasn’t allowed to date or have sleepovers or go out with my friends on the weekends. All I was allowed to do was

My Mom specifically told us that if we didn’t want to be doctors, we didn’t have to be doctors. When my brother and I both got liberal arts degrees (I got a bachelors in elementary education and my brother got an English degree), my Mom got asked by other Asian parents why she “let” us get those degrees.

I once told my boyfriend’s sister, when I first met her, “I watch a lot of ID, I know the rookie mistakes. If Boyfriend ever goes missing, you’ll know I did it, but you won’t be able to prove a thing.”

Yeah, one of my best friends is from an Asian immigrant family and the parents told all the kids that they could be doctors, lawyers, or engineers but if they made any other career choices they would be shaming the family and driving their parents to an early grave. One child is a doctor, one is a lawyer, and one is

I’m guessing there are some larger cultural contexts around this question.

Especially when that tribe is defined by other things like Timbits and Molson.

Not that it’s terribly important, but for some cultural context: for middle-class Torontonians, going up north to cottage country is a yearly ritual in summer. If your family doesn’t have a cottage, it’s likely that you’ll know someone who does. For a lot of kids, visiting friends at their cottages represents, for

It does take a lot of guts. But then the trolls will say “they’re doing it for money/attention, and this is proof!” Sigh. As a survivor of sexual abuse/rape myself, it amazes me the kinds of mental gymnastics people will go through to discredit victims.

“Deadspin only played an excerpt which made me sound racist. If you listen to the full thing you’d know I’m incredibly dumb AND racist.” - Colin Cowherd