
He has since lost that ability after suffering a torn ACL, a torn LCL, a dislocated ankle, a shattered pituitary gland, a ruptured torso, a broken liver, a torn bladder, a hatchet gun wound, and a full-body tumor.

“Same ole song and dance from Colin.”

Not only did he express this sentiment is a racist way, it’s just flat out wrong.

That wasn’t his point, though. He was saying baseball can’t be very complex because Dominicans play it (meaning Dominicans as a whole are dumb). Nothing to do with the education level of baseball players.

“I’m so sick of this fu——- bu——— you c—-.”

As somebody who lives in Hell’s Kitchen I can tell you that the only people who look like that are the affluent gay couples at brunch. Please stop using the neighborhood as a backdrop to a gritty redemption movie. It makes you sound like a total jabroni.

Actual conversations I’ve had:

THIS. And retail stores. I worked at The Gap in high school and it was the day before Christmas eve, we opened at 6AM or something, and I was putting the final touches on a window display I was working on. I wanted to do it over night, but my manager wouldn’t let me, saying I had to come in at 5AM to do it and “hurry”

Right on. My younger brother has autism. My mother likes to tell a story about the time when we were all little that my sister and I were SO EXCITED to go to Ledo’s Pizza. Like, full on dressed up in church outfits to go to Ledo’s. Silly, I know. But we were like 6 years old. But when we got to Ledo’s, my brother got

I used to work in a house museum in a provincial park where all the furnishings were from around 1900. One day one of my coworkers found two kids jumping on the antique beds upstairs. Beds that were behind velvet ropes, no less. When she told the kids to get down the mother started screaming that “As a tax payer it

*this* I have friends with neurologically diverse children (alllll over the spectrum), and they take care of business. Sometimes, it is difficult to TCB (like in a dentist’s chair), but arrangements are made. Arrangements. Are. Fucking. Made.

I’m old enough to remember when the phrase “children having children” referred strictly to teenage pregnancies. Seems these days it could apply to 30-year-old first-wave Millennials.

I’ve got three grown sons, and I just don’t get these kinds of parents. When my kids were little if they started acting up in a restaurant, in faster than light speed we were having a come to jesus meeting with them in the parking lot. I can’t stand bratty behavior, so why would I think anyone else should tolerate it?


Yesterday my mom was talking about how she couldn’t take my brother to restaurants until he was old enough to eat chips. I also remember her being absent when my sister was young, as she was outside with her until my dad was done eating.

Once I and another staff member watched a 2-3 year old boy wander over and start pulling the slips from the books on hold, as is the way of his people.

This adult with Asperger’s Syndrome salutes you.

Alas, I will remain in the greys...

Challenge accepted: Jack and Jill.

The reason my son got a DS when he was four was because it was the ONLY thing that kept him entertained at restaurants. Books and coloring bored him after five minutes, we didn’t have smart phones, and there was only so much we could do with him that didn’t wind him up.