bud latanville

Keith Emerson's keyboard solo at the end of "Lucky Man."
Bowel-rumbling bass.

"There was some real satisfaction to be gained from watching the new six-episode revival of The X-Files, especially if you made it to the third installment, which can arguably take its place in the pantheon of all-time great episodes of the supernatural horror series."

Sarlacc Watersports - the new SW fetish!

toss this one into the Sarlacc Pith.

"an unspectacular point-and-shoot dramatist of what we used to call TV-level visual chops"


my question was rhetorical… :)

why can an academic "sample" another academic's work as part of their own research and writing by properly quoting and attributing their source with a note in the bibliography,
if an artist wants to use a set of notes or words from a song (either by using the original artist's recording/performance, or by

E.D. sadface

what's amusing is to think anyone has any real expectations for these X-movies…
they're all completely random in terms of the make up of the team, sometimes the relationships between the characters, and certainly in the abuse heaped on their own filmic continuity…

Me want fetishwear Hellfire Club movie!

I suspect they're related, no? People wanting to control women in myriad ways?

"meter maid"
if you were hoping to avoid the gendered stereotyping the movie is commenting on, you might have called her a "Meter Reader"

to the max.


No mention of Bones?
The whole thing was held together by the obvious but unacknowledged tension between Brennan and Booth…and then when it happened, all that tension fell away, and the relationship got boring, and with it, my wife and I felt, the whole series (which is not fair to the cool supporting characters, but

record reviews from the period suggested that the "Volume One" in the Honeydrippers's album title was more threat than promise…

to be fair, the commenters on here are:
1) possibly the funniest on the interwebz
2) only required to come up with one truly stinging/zinging line, and then they can bow out…they don't have to do it for 5, 10, 30 minutes…

Someone could make a movie about Alex Gibney and the people he stepped on before he became an Oscar-winning director…just sayin'