Blast Tyrant

I get so unreasonably irritated by people's behavior at the gym. If you're using the only squat rack, please don't spend 10 minutes talking to someone in between your sets.

I made tentative plans to help my buddy move from Alabama out to Los Angeles. So I've got another big road trip coming up and I'll be able to cross off a few southwestern states that I've never visited. I'm actually getting pretty close to having all 50 now. I'm also thinking about possibly setting up a tattoo

Years back I organized a party for my birthday at a local bar. No one showed up until like an hour and a half after the start time. I was sitting there feeling like the biggest loser in the world for a while.

His sons look like bizarro versions of him.


Taking the plunge and just asking them out is one of the hardest things on earth. It's probably why people so frequently do it digitally now. Lower risks all around. That might also explain the ghosting phenomenon, come to think of it. It's all easier if you don't have to look someone in the eye. Anyway, I say just go

Good advice. We're going to all be staying over at my bro's house and I suspect that she and I will be in adjacent rooms. So there's potential for a midnight rendezvous. But I do think we might have a connection beyond the physical so it's maybe a good idea to put it off. We'll see how it plays out. I'll be prepared

I always thought that the ending of The Dark Knight would make a perfect lead in to a big time jump to a version of The Dark Knight Returns storyline. That was probably too bold a choice for a studio to make though.

He's not a good guy. He's one of those types that if you're a man he's probably trying to fight you and if you're a woman he's probably trying to fuck you. I like the girl and he really has no right to give me shit for it. I'm just worried about the possibility of getting into a drunken fist fight at my brother's

He is definitely turtley enough for the turtle club.

So I'm thinking about hooking up with the ex girlfriend of a friend. Well he's not really a friend, more of a good friend of my brother. But he's a total prick that I've never really liked and have had a rocky relationship with over the years. He's exactly the kind of guy that would make a big deal out of it even

I used to work for Trader Joe's and there were several employees that routinely hooked up with customers. Often after they passed them a note at the register. I always saw that as crossing some kind of line so I just hooked up with coworkers.

The owner showed me pictures on his phone of what they were doing in there and it was some pretty freaky stuff. I'm not sure any surface in there was safe.

Statistically speaking, there has to be at least a couple that are decent in bed. Though given their general narcissism and selfishness, I'd imagine that the vast majority leave only disappointment in their wake.

That decision makes me so angry. For one, I don't think a church can have a clearly secular purpose in anything they do. It's a church. Everything is about God or at least motivated by faith. Furthermore, they already don't pay taxes and now they want to have access to my tax money?! Fuck that.

I once walked down to one of my favorite bars only to see that it was closed for a "private event". The next day, one of the owners told me that it was because they were shooting porn in there. I guess they paid good money and bought food and drinks for all the crew so it was well worth it. I did feel a little gross

Yeah I was cracking up at that. I think he just blanked and wrote the first actress that popped into his head.

Actually four if you consider that Nic Cage is a Coppola as well.

He's got a great outlook on his career. He seems to recognize the nature of being a mercenary character actor. And did you notice that he might dog on some of his roles but he always has nice things to say about the people he worked with? That's how you have a long career in Hollywood, folks.

He would definitely be better than Tom Cruise. I know he's a big star but he really does not sell the stoic badass thing very well at all. I haven't seen the second movie but I think the first one is a pretty decent action movie. Though, the whole time I was wishing someone else was the lead.