
We all know fast food is full of shit, but then so is a lot of other food that people consume every day (often thinking it's actually good for them).

Nice review of what appears to be a great Android handset. It's just a shame it can't be rooted (although it's been a few days since I checked so that may have changed).

@Jerm Deeks: I'm pretty sure there's a more iTouch / iPhone / iPad formatted porn sites than you can shake a dirty big wang at, but since I don't have any of those Apple devices I can't check to confirm.

@MuffinBear: Can't he find porno magazines in the woods like the good old days?

@Jerm Deeks: Because you like sexting with teens?

@FlawedHero: Yeah, I had my tinfoil hat on when reading this too :D

@nicktennear: Not enough space on my Hero either. I'll stick with default + Skyfire for now, and likewise... will wait for Chrome.

@monstermax: Cool... I'm still stuck at work but looking forward to listening when I get home, assuming it's available to buy digitally somewhere.

I've smoked a few fatties on that there bridge. Good times :D

Nice, I didn't even realise they had a new album out. It's now my duty to go and check it out.

@sp00nix SHIFT_: You win two free internets, since you already have a star ;-)

I think I must be missing something here... what makes this paint so special? Is it made from ground up iPods or something?

There's not a lot of things that make me glad I live in the UK, but stories like this do make me a tiny bit more thankful.

@Romple: Or just use them the other way round so they hold the cables but don't zip shut... if that makes sense?

Now I have no excuse being a lame son and not calling my Dad in Canada more often.

Cool... China will one day be able to prove that the Moon landing was fake!

I thought Tiger only liked to hit ladies in the face with his balls?