
I want, no... NEED, the black one to replace my Hero!

I'm safe, my tin-foil hat also protects me from chemtrails.

I think Facebook and the like are just gearing up everyone to accept this sorta shit as the norm anyway... they'll sell somehow manage to sell it to the masses as a good idea.

Truth be told, I think it dumbs down War Machine rather than making Apple products seem cool.

Should have just got a push bike...

When I 1st saw the pic I thought it was going to be some kind of Xbox 360 advert.

@knwldg: Evolution is a slow process, where as a level up is a quick jump. I think the comment was more of a compliment to what MS have achieved.

Shouldn't this be tagged as an advertisement?

I NEED this on Android... I may have to contact the creators.

Can someone sum up this post in a few easy to digest sentences? Makes no sense as it is...

Slow news days Giz?

The horse guy was spotted in my town (Aberdeen) :D

I got my ticket to hell, already so I feel no shame for finding this funny!

@pranthin8or: District 9. Great movie, you should watch it ;)

Ah, I see. Cheers dudes.

Excuse my ignorance, but which one is the real deal and which one is the DIY effort?