That’s why it was so great. STET, Tom Ley, STET.
That’s why it was so great. STET, Tom Ley, STET.
You fixed it. That’s not fair.
This is one of my favorite typos ever:
I like to see world records smashed, but it’s a drag when they end up being stripped. I honestly hope she’s clean.
I seriously hope she is all by herself and not hanging out with Ana Bolic and HuGH.
Already in my memory, I can’t help but replace Djokovic’s performance at Wimbledon with this:
I actually side with Goodell on this one. It would be best for all of us if we all just forgot St. Louis existed.
If you’re going to be a grammar snob, to be more precise by explaining the general rule, you should have noted that “one should never begin a sentence with a conjunction.”
You are a boring troll. Please continue to abuse yourself while watching your ancient and favorite VHS of the Lipizzaner Stallions.
Dongs of Heaven, and it somehow involves the Chicago Black Sox on a barnstorming tour of Texas.
(earlier in the day)
And I don’t disagree. And you can add a few more teams who should be relegated, if the NFL did that.
Yes. Nothing says simple like a sport in which the total score of both teams can be counted on a single hand.
Yes, West Brom is a powerhouse that threatens to win the Premier League every year, and not at all a team that plods along year in, year out, sucking money from fans and selling ad space on their kits, while offering a product that struggles to be mediocre.
If I could sift through the logos and read the club name on a West Bromwich Albion kit in under three minutes, I’d agree.
Sure. All true. Especially the part about Fugelsang waiting too long. (Arguably, Majka could have gone at a slightly slower pace with a lead after the crash to save himself from burning out so near the end.)
Right! I feel very sorry for Majka. It was just sitting in front of him and then he had to watch it slip away as the other two riders slid by him. It was a cruel race for him.
I like this piece, Redford, but it details a good example of one of the reasons Americans don’t get cycling.
Both Nibali’s crash and Majka’s having gotten caught have left me a bit teary. There’s a routine heartbreak in cycling that would be a legendary, catastrophic collapse in most other sports.