
It’d be way more appropo to have Hilary in the game trying to dodge sniper fire. That way she wouldn’t have to lie about it in real life.

They’ve got no room to talk. This is like brick headed Kanye West trying to make fun of another Kanye West. They should be focused on making a better game fixing the mechanics, UI, and menus cause this game eats bung. Long ass loading times, no saving except in the campaign or whatever u call it, bugs, lost saves.

Ok, hifrequency.

Haha Trump jokes , that’s new and original.

Haha, blabbermouth Trump in a video game! Any other games also mocking that Wall Street lying jihadist-friendly warmonger Hitlary?

Donald Trump gets treated so poorly it’s a real shame. Meanwhile the Clinton’s are accused molesters, liars and criminals but no one says a word. Bill Clinton is the Bill Cosby of politics. Don’t let a guy, Bill Clinton, who would ride on a pedophiles’ sex plane back in the White House. Don’t let a woman, Hillary, who

Just a little pedantic snippet here, dewpoint has no effect on the cooling ability of a car since it doesn’t sweat.

Yahoo had him as “no longer healthy and is considered day-to-day.”

Wait, so the Marlins’ pitching staff is dying too? Great reporting, Emma.

As Dan Patrick used to say on Sportscenter, “He’s listed as day to day, but, then again, aren’t we all?”

That’s a pretty optimistic injury outlook, ESPN.

If he was shilling for hillary you dipshits would call him a hero and “support” his shitty VR helmet... hypocrites.

Maybe they should stop being Hillary cuckolds.

That’ll sure show.....facebook? Since they’re now the majority owners and are actually helping support Hillary over Trump. Real smart.

As a side note, I wonder if any of these guys happens to be an owner of a Che Guevera t-shirt or one of those Castro t-shirts like that Kaepernick joker was wearing not too long ago.


Hmm interesting. I don’t make any where near $345,000.00/year and I’m doing pretty well in this economy. I wonder why that is. try not wasting all your money on stupid shit and maybe you would be also.

Now playing

If you read the reply he sent you can see he’s just an entitled brat who has no idea how good he has it compared to any other point in history. I grew up in the 80's and we were still doing “Duck and Cover” drills. There is nothing like the threat of nuclear annihilation to make your elementary school years a magical

Yes, 2016 America sucks worse than World War 1.