
With a rusty chainsaw. I feel the same way about drunks behind the steering wheel. One took the love of my life and my child from me at the start of my adult life and in the 32 years since, the anger and desire to visit great bodily harm on them all has yet to leave me.


I almost forgot... thanks to the infancy of electric vehicle support infrastructure, you also have to plan out the stops on your trip so you know you’re getting to a charge point. An ICE vehicle, you can usually just find a gas station wherever you need it. Only people who have it worse than EV drivers are those with

This is exactly the problem. I can drive across the country in about 3 days. Even back in the 1970's, this was possible. If I tried it in an electric vehicle? Probably  would take at least twice as long and I’d probably arrive a fair bit heavier, because you know you end up snacking while waiting the better part of an

This makes me want to keep a completely blank business card in my wallet, so when I do get asked that, I can make a show of pulling out the blank card and giving them what they ask for as if I was actually reading it off the card.

I find it disturbing you want Disney between the Rock and a hard place. But only because that would mean Scarlett Johansson is the one that’s hard.

And $20M isn’t even “well compensated” in the grand scheme of things, considering RDJ was paid in excess of $50 million for the first Avengers ensemble movie and $75 million plus a backend percentage for the last one. That first Avengers movie, the one that was the first Marvel flick to hit $1 billion in box office

You left out the fact that there was a $30 surcharge applied to Disney+ customers who decided to watch Black Widow through the streaming service. Damn right she should have gotten a cut of that money instead of it just lining Disney’s coffers.

What you left out is the fact that they make so many models so they can fit into curbside parking spots all over the world. Though it seems they figured there is no reasonable way to break into the kei-car market in Japan as of yet.

Because they had no clue who the kidnapper was, they didn’t know that the cop who modeled the mask for a photo op had a head too big for the sack.

Before there was Sackhead Sam of Trick’r’Treat movie fame....

My ‘94 Honda Accord didn’t come with a tow hitch.... but it came off the lot with a socket built in to accept one. I used to haul some things around with one of those cheap-as-dirt folding utility trailers from Harbor Freight.

So.... You’re saying time travel was involved? The British Pathe video is from 1963, and this particular “outdoor life” trailer was made in 1981 and only 1981... But the video says the British manufacturer pilfered the idea from already existing products from America. So there was at least one other manufacturer here

I think Torch has written articles about the reason why VW has trouble in China without even realizing it. Hard to compete with a vehicle you can buy for 90%+ less. I don’t think VW ever took into consideration the fact that you cannot drive around China the same way you can drive around anywhere else in the world.

Looking at that very first photo, one has to wonder... what other vehicles does the seller have hiding in those garage bays?

Allow me to suggest that if you do this again in the future, list the generation of the platform along with the year being compared. a ‘73 Corolla was second generation, while the ‘83 was fifth gen, for example. The entire timeline spans 11 of the 12 generations for the vehicle.

The most important thing i learned from this video is that with it being posted way back in 2012, scientists have been arguing over this for at least a decade. But that is nothing, considering they started fighting over whether or not the asteroid impact even happened back in the 1970's. Prehistory is such a

So.... basically, you’re telling us Microsoft still hasn’t gotten the message yet and continues to insist on employing developers that need to be kicked in the junk hard enough to ensure they never reproduce again.

This must be the flick a friend of mine keeps referring to as “A Connecticut Swamp Thing in King Arthur’s Court”

Someone is going to make a fortune simply registering the vehicles in neighboring NH, where last I checked, they didn’t even need insurance on a vehicle.