
I know what you mean, I have a nephew that is a millenial and he doesn’t know how to put trash out for collection properly.

Bad news... You got scammed by the local franchise owner. I’ve been dealing with moving myself, family and friends over the last 30 years and I have never seen a $500 surcharge for a weekend rental by U-Haul, including a weekend rental last November. Worst I’ve seen is an extra day of fees tacked on, and even then, it

That is incorrect. He was doing a crapload of stuff, mainly involving monitoring a multitude of instruments. He may not have been actively flying, but he wasn’t just watching the scenery zip past the windows, either. The closest the world has gotten to spacecraft passengers is the backseat riders of the space shuttle.

You got it all wrong. You still give the impression he is an astronaut by using the phrase “edge of space”. He only went as far as an aircraft pilot can go: “the fringes of the atmosphere”.

There is nothing in the water. I’ve been living in South Jersey for 40 years. Mt. Laurel and a few other towns up that way had long standing reputations for being “white and wealthy”. If you weren’t white, you got shit on. If you didn’t drive “German precision engineering, Italian speed, or British luxury,” you got

Just wanted to take a moment and point out that they apparently have at least 4 different body styles as the 2022 automotive season approaches. They added on that looks a lot like a Cooper Mini and a narrow body model. They also now do several types of electric rickshaw, including a flatbed hauler and a fully enclosed

As someone who lost a spouse to a drunk driver more than 30 years ago, I have to say this is truly ridiculous. The originating incident demonstrates most of what you need to do to throw a wrench into the law - just show up to buy gas without a car. How do you prove that gas is going to end up in a car instead of a

Why was “nuclear waste shipment container” left out of the cargo possibilities? :D

There is no such thing as a supervillain. After all, there is no such thing as a person with superpowers. The term you want is archvillain.

That was the movie that brought the term to my attention. A lot of films have been mentioned here in the comments that predate Tetsuo: The Iron Man, but I never heard of any of them referred to as “body horror” before then.

Wait! So someone made a new Transformers movie about the extra creepy super secret origins of the Autobots?

Not another option; the only option. Anyone thinking this is a lifehack is an idiot. The mouth is small, so you risk getting it all over the place and that particular plastic tend to melt if you’re too quick about it after cooking. I use large pickle and relish jars, since they tend to have mouths 3 or 4 inches across

Exactly what city do you live in where most of the roads have speed limits in excess of 25 mph? In every big city I’ve been in inside the US, most roads have a 25 mph speed limit, with only a few major arteries going over that.

He has always struck me as more fantasy dwarf in stature than fantasy elf. Maybe you are comparing him to Christmas elves?

Why is it people who want to suicide but don’t have the nerve to do so always refer to their attempts at it as “putting things in God’s hands”?

I am amused the call it a “renewable cycle”. Eventually, the ground will run out of lithium in that area. I thought they were going to simply be surface strip mining the layers of salts off the receding shorelines and processing that for the lithium, which is basically what they do in South America.

That is the easy part. curing the concrete for all the necessary repairs to the abutments and columns will take much, much longer.

The bracing in the abutments will no longer hold the deck in place. The demolition is due to the fact that the abutments need to be removed and reconstructed from the foundations up. Saying it will take a week is stating the impossible. It be three or four months at the minimum. Sadly, the deck will also have to be

The problem is people think he’s visionary. He has yet to actually come up with anything new, or better for that matter. Every single thing he has done is a rehash of the past. Tesla - electric vehicles have been around for more than a century. Boring Company - they literally bought used mining equipment for the basis

That tape.... is a clear indicator the vehicle has a poor attempt at manual steering.