
They live up to their reputation. This was my mother’s first car in the 1960's. She was the second owner. The car cost a whopping $65. It ran for about another year before it bit the bullet and was replaced by a used Nash Healey. My mother never could make up her mind, bouncing back and forth between small and compact

Why buy 2TB at $55 when you can have 5 TB in the same size for less than twice the price? Sure, you’ll switch from Western Digital to Seagate, but the brand seems to have entered a new phase of reliability. I’ve had fewer Seagate failures than WD failures.

Why buy 2TB at $55 when you can have 5 TB in the same size for less than twice the price? Sure, you’ll switch from

No, it isn’t “a high risk”. It is a guarantee. The company will eventually evaluate everyone involved and pick the side with the highest talent. The other will leave. This is the nature of workplace environments. They ALWAYS end up catering to a preferred type of workforce and everyone else can take a walk if they

I’m going to say that at that price, half the cost of replacing the vehicle, that old battery would damn well be coming home with me.

You have my pity for not being able to realize he was talking about the very different properties the materials will have at different temperatures. The brass will quickly wear away the plastic, resulting in yet another component failure. And thread inserts will only delay the problem for a few months at best.

Consider the alternative... One of the Japanese automakers (either Nissan or Toyota, I forget which) has been advertising on Facebook about setting up a 3D printer mill to fabricate plastic components from an additive process (pretty much the same way most home 3D printers work - Fused Deposition Modelling, which has

Amatuer, Smash them together and get “Fuck Elon with a Tesla. Sideways.

I hope you realize that thanks to a comment you made in the article, within hours everyone was referring to you as Jason “B. Weld” Torchinsky. And saying “well, now you know what the J in JB Weld stands for”. I heard it three times by the time I left the office.

Glad to hear Buster finally found himself a new gig after Mythbusters ended. ;3

When was the last time you tried getting a politician to do anything you wanted. Most of the time, people walk away feeling like all they did was scream at a blank wall.

I cannot believe you wrote such a long article regarding a natural phenomenon that occurs in most wildfires.

As a leg amputee who needs the alternative when I can’t get the prosthetic on and run to the bathroom fast enough, I will say “All hail to the king, baby.” And I meme — I mean, mean that. Next time you talk to him, you tell him you wrote a story about bedpans in Willie Wonka and someone seriously wanted to thank him

Wasn’t this article just over three months too late of April Fool’s Day?

There were a few croaks. I had trouble making them out over all the other noise in the scene as well.

A couple of stories I read stated he did the cameo for free. It was done in like under an hour at a studio in Australia. Considering that, it seems like he meant it whenever the script required him to say “I am Thor”, even more than when RDJ meant it when saying “I am Iron Man.” I’m not sure he means it more than Ryan

Yep. I remember that from the “civil defense” classes in elementary school in the 70's. Duck and cover if there is a nuke; stop, drop and roll if you’re on fire; and hide under a bridge like a troll if a tornado is coming. Though “speeding will paint the highways red with your blood” is a lesson that never made sense

“He’s not trying to stop us. That’s a police escort as we flee because he wants to escape the tornado too!”

Always be prepared for them, even if you live somewhere they aren’t known. I live in southern NJ. After I moved here, it was YEARS before a tornado occurred within 70 miles of me. What we did get three or four time a year was the straight line winds that tended to rip siding off homes in my neighborhood. But then we

Whoops? How so? Matt Damon has been around the block. He knows if he took that percentage, “creative accounting” would have been thoroughly applied to reduce his payout to less than the fixed amount he agreed upon. Also, shame on you, for passing yourself off as an entertainment journalist when you think the profits

And now Death Valley gets a new slogan.... “Just as hot as the inside of your car on a hot summer day, but smells nowhere near as badly.”