
Olivia De Berardinis called and wants her art style back.

Wait! Is anyone absolutely, 100% positively sure Tesla has even managed to manufacture a total of 167,000 vehicles? Some days, it seems like they lying and they’ve made less than 100...

o_O Why on Earth would you drive from Seattle to San Jose using a route that goes all the way across the country, down the east coast, then all the way back across the country? And to answer you question of “how many state borders would you cross”, the answer is “too many”.

Just so you know, the military does not swear an oath to protect the public. The oath is to protect the nation and constitution. Protecting the general public is what law enforcement swears to do.

“Mustang Kamikaze Pilots”... So the Mustangs will start feasting their own drivers now?

Ah... so many people don’t read the Internal Security Act of 1950 clearly. The same rules apply to every military and intelligence facility in the country.

Were they cleaning the inside or outside of the capsule? If just the outside, any biological material would have been incinerated upon reentry.

I agree. The new Corvette looks like the supercars of Europe had a orgy/sex party and nobody is sure exactly of the parentage of the resulting (Corvette) offspring.

There needs to be a counter to keep track of all the people who destroy the front ends of their 2020 Corvettes because they don’t have a clue how long 2.8 seconds is (or they didn’t record the location in the ‘1000 entry speed bump database’) and they plow into unrecognized speed bumps anyway...

I cannot believe they missed out on a singular important thought regarding the Picard show.... “I cannot believe they are still inhumane enough to be clipping dog’s ears in the 24th century.”

More importantly, she’s supposedly picking up her daughter, who apparently isn’t bright enough to wait near the front door to keep an eye out for her ride to show up. Well, that tells us the woman’s behavior is probably genetically induced.

Every car I’ve ever owned was more that capable of getting that hot in a matter of no more than 5 minutes. I still would never leave my keys in the car, however. And when I need to warm up the car or defrost the windows, I sit in it and freeze while I wait. Friends are like “wow, three blankets in the back seat, so

People steal anything and everything in the cover of darkness. I live i a fairly quiet and crime free neighborhood. But for more than a year, we had constant car burglaries on a nightly basis, as within a mile, you could escape to 5 other jurisdictions. They finally caught the two clown responsible for it (drug

The answer to all the whys is straightforward. Drug addicts are no longer capable of thinking clearly or logically.

Well, I see the problem. The badging. If they didn’t apply the badging and left it to the buyer, there wouldn’t be a problem for the most part.

That is a new thing. Back in the 90's I was stuck at “The Delta Hub” for 19 hours as they attempted to provide a connecting flight to LA via FIVE different broken planes, two of which we boarded before they decided they were not flightworthy. Back then, the shops and restaurants started shutting down at 6PM and

Dallas is Southwest’s corporate headquarters (at Love Field, where they are the primary tenant) . 14 daily flights each way between Dallas and DC, 4 of which are nonstops. Dallas is home to more than one airport.

Ummmm, I see a period, not a comma. So not 900,000. Rather 900.000. Given the fact there are 1,000 meters in a kilometer, I have to question if the overly excited readers of that odometer are reading it correctly.

That wasn’t security footage. One of the Teslas was just watching what was going on. :3

While your lengthy list of examples shows skill in research, it fails because you never bothered examining why Lyme disease would be a poor choice of bioweapon. The disease is insufficiently debilitating or reliable. I won’t even get into the fact that most bioweapons are customized from natural strains and require