
Seriously? The cop should lose his badge for being too full of himself. That kind of arrogance shouldn’t be allowed to carry a badge, because eventually it will lead to problems for whatever law enforcement agency employs him. The IRS is one of the most hated and threatened organizations in the country, so they have

LOL. Saw that Batman Lego set and wondered why they gave him one of Marvel’s Green Goblin’s flight pods... Then I realized they just did a subpar job in designing some architectural gargoyles as props.

Well, you’re almost right. The only thing that sequence has going for it is Mark Hamill, because Kevin Conroy hardly said a damned thing.

Let’s not forget poor Sarah Jones, killed on Feb. 20, 2014, during the first day of filming for Midnight Rider by a train on a bridge because the filming location was so secretive (because CSX denied permission to allow the location to be used for filming), even the CSX train crew didn’t know what was going on...

Same reason nonretracting antennae tend to mysteriously vanish - there be a jack@$$ living in the neighborhood with no respect for boundaries or other people’s property, especially when bored and/or high.

You seem to have missed the point that what happens off the field typically doesn’t have a significant impact on ticket sales, merchandise sales, or the team’s bottom line. On the other hand, spectators made it clear they had no desire to pay for tickets or even watch games on television if players were going to waste

If you’re going to complain about heterosexual actors playing homosexual or transgender characters, then it seems fair to complain about vice versa. Shall we dig up Rock Hudson and use him for a punching bag now? I mean, the nerve of him, playing a straight guy and kissing all those girls!

Well hey, we could always go back to the days where people were poisoning Tylenol with cyanide if you want. One would think that there was enough trouble with all the idiots who think it is funny to tamper with Halloween candy every year.

There are plenty of food and entertainment businesses out there that will cheat any way they can. Here in NJ, we had a wedding venue that was busted in Operation Swill for doing things like mixing food coloring and rubbing alcohol and passing it off as top shelf booze. They were shortly afterward then caught cheating

LOL. I saw space alien critters bursting out of the ground and my only thought was “Nah, we don’t really need a Starship Troopers prequel.”

Heck, I learned “never ever work on a car with ANYTHING hot” with the later added caveat of “unless it is a part you heated up yourself and damn well expect to be hot.” Because sometime you need to take a torch to things. Man, some of the bitching I heard about pit crews....

You left out the part about not needing a damned college degree in electronics to wrench on older vehicles.

Yep. I do this with a little 3x5 notebook. Inside cover is contact info for family, my mechanic, insurance and AAA. Then the first six or so pages are fluids, bulbs, tires & rims, filters, and other various odds & ends, then the rest is dedicated to maintenance history by mileage, right down to listing what tire went

Years they’ve talked about how Dolphins were the next most intelligent species on the planet, or maybe chimpanzees. But no, they never noticed bears were evolving into Ursus Sapiens.

Call us back when they actually have to knock down hundreds of homes to extend one of the runways.

Let’s not forget that keys and tumblers will strip over time. A buddy of mine had an old Toyota Celica with an ignition lock so worn, you could start his car with a popsicle stick.

Done that with my 94 Accord twice. Nothing like getting into what you think is your car and finding the seat way too far forward. I hurt myself and got stuck between the seat back and the steering wheel before my butt reached the seat in one. The other I got in and immediately realized the steering wheel was

Not his fault, back in the 90's, there were quite a few models for which Ford used as little as four different keys on the entire annual production run.

I’m just going to say that every bicyclist I’ve run down ran a red light literally within two seconds of being struck AND long after my light turned green. Bicyclists need to be taught that ALL traffic laws apply to them as well.

I live on the opposite shore of this country and my neighborhood has the poster child for why Sacramento County established such a bit of legal code - up the street from me in an inept clown running an automotive repair business out of his garage. The guy’s property is practically a superfund site (and a junk yard) and