
I don't think I've read any or many of AV's AoS reviews and I found it interesting as it is something I never thought about.

Thanks for the info.

I assumed he was Latino till I saw someone say otherwise on reddit.

I've never seen it, but there is a zombie US Civil War movie that looked kind of good called Exit Humanity.

I thought when they were in the hallway at the locked door he might throw Nick to the zombies.

I usually enjoy Brooklyn Nine Nine but I found this episode's humor kind of week and forced. Bringing up the mango yogurt joke is an example. Maybe the show is the same and my sense of humor is just changing?

I didn't look like a DC Metro car as far as I recall. There are new metro cars coming on the tracks but I've been on one once and I don't think it looked like it. I think it would be difficult to get permission to actually use the Metro unless it was after hours. It was prob. on a sound stage.

Oh, I didn't know that, but I guess that makes sense.

I feel bad for Alvarez, more specifically the actor who plays him. He was featured in Humans of NY and mentioned that this role was his first real break in acting, and now I'm pretty sure his character is dead. On the flipside he got to be a reoccurring albeit minor character in a nationally broadcast TV show, so

IIRC a lot of people on reddit like him.

I did not know that.

I liked how antiquities being sold off by "extremist friends" was mentioned. It wasn't necessarily a reference to what ISIS was/is doing in Iraq/Syria, but they may have gotten the idea from that. Though I think people were looting antiquities in Iraq and selling them well before ISIS arrived on the scene.

They used a real DC metro station shot for a second which was cool.