
Burn the district court down, fuck their corrupt petty asses.

Homeboy is a bad-faith-troll with no redeeming value and like most trolls is a huge attention whore. You are wasting your time.

Now playing

LOL, meanwhile, here are some cops with functional testicles and brainstems arresting a distraught machete-wielding man without even possessing firearms, let alone using them.

Lol, so now they’re so anxious to shoot somebody they’re just shooting each other? Pretty sure the police unions will allow this.

They think Training Day is an educational film.

See, it’s not always a bad outcome when cops are called to deal with someone having a mental health crisis...

The police response to someone who is suicidal seems to be “not if we kill ‘em first!”  Sounds like the little blue bastards showed up and saw a man threatening to cut himself, and went to pieces fearing for their own lives and just started spraying bullets everywhere.

Now playing

What do we expect from “Highest education: High School?”

He wants to commit suicide? Can I kill him instead!” - american police.

Hopefully the dog makes a full recovery. 

I fully expect this number to jump to 85% once Joe picks a black woman to be his running mate. I mean The Karen Klub knows they fucked up in 2016 and have been desperate to be the first uterus to break that glass ceiling. They damn sure won’t a black woman in the Oval Office before one of them. They already have been

Uncle Herman....

They don’t even give a shit about the fetuses themselves. They only want to make sure that they force women to carry them to term. They’re more of a MacGuffin than anything else.

“He has accomplished a great deal and truly deserves another term.”

Wow is that the way white people see it?

Let’s take out the whole racial aspect of this for a sec. If you take that out, there is still the fact that his administration’s handling of the pandemic should be more than enough to stop anyone from voting to re-elect would think.

Kudos to you for retaining some empathy. I grew up among these people as well but have long since lost any empathy for them. Our prosperity as a nation has been off-shored - whether by literally moving jobs overseas or by moving our collective wealth into the offshore bank accounts of billionaires - largely due to

Fetuses.  They don’t give a shit about actual, born babies

If I had a nickel for every incompetent nincompoop I’ve had to deal with who has an MBA, I could retire. Seriously.

A house in my neighborhood went up for sale with a confederate flag proudly displayed in a young boys bedroom. The house is sold by an MD. The realtor, the ceo of the realtor, the owner and others in the community did not care. She’s a trump supporter. The realtor is a trump supporter. Her friends are trump supporters.