Portlander here. I drive through downtown Portland every single morning to take my 2 year old to day care, just 2.5 blocks from the epicenter of the protests, and then I go to work 3.5 blocks from the same space. Think about that for a minute, I’m perfectly comfortable taking my 2 year old through this space, to…
I live in Portland. It’s anything but anarchy. I mean I wouldn’t necessarily go downtown at night during the protests, but I have zero fear for my safety in this town. I go through downtown twice a day every day. It’s boring even.
You're not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.
Okay I will bite All Blue states, you know the ones that pay the most in federal taxes to the government so all you meth heads in red states can continue to live off of us, withhold the money. Fuck Trump, his shitty family and that fat cockgobbling piece of shit Barr. You want to play fine NYC is down and I am sure…
It’s funny seeing the Grand Old Party Of Your Dead Kids Don’t Trump My Costitutional Right To Bear Arms suddenly pretend they give a shit about gun violence. They botched their bullshit excuse so bad they forgot to even put Chicago in the list. This shit is so transparent I don’t know why they even bother making…
Considering the amount of taxpayer dollars that ORIGINATE from those states, I’d say “Right back at ya. Until THE PRESIDENT complies, our citizens will no longer be paying income taxes.”
Am in Illinois, and can confirm this is a thing that pops up from time to time. All I can say, as a resident in a collar county is, “Cook, take me with you!”
It comes up in California every so often, where people in the northern reaches bring up secession and then get it pointed out that LA, SF, and SD are basically paying for the northern areas’ entire existence. So it dies down for a while until “the libs” do something the chuds and survivalists in the north end of the…
Yep. Just another way to funnel tax money away from blue states while pretending this is not just economic redistribution. I’m totally in favor of transferring money to poorer parts of the country, but this isn’t the way to do it.
Red states.
Not to mention he always brings up Chicago but left them out. Seems like its not about violence at all.
All of this. I haven’t been into final fantasy for years because it feels like they’re all incoherent nonsense puked out by Tetsuya Nomura. This looks so much like classic Final Fantasy and I’m so thrilled. Nomura has defined the look and style of the series for way too long. His games aren’t bad, at least not all of…
Not getting that vibe, to be honest. If anything this is what it’s aping: Vagrant Story. Right down to an older protagonist (for Square Enix at least) who has only been seen alone. Two of the characters even seem to be modeled after Vagrant Story characters. Joshua seems to be an homage to Joshua Bardorba while the…
I ride hard for the idea that XII would have been a bigger hit had they simply stuck with Basch as the protagonist. I don’t dislike Vaan, I just don’t think an FF game has ever had a “main character” feel so unnecessary to the story.
the reason you never see cops or the KKK in court is the same reason you don’t see Miley and Hanna in the same room at the same time.
The assignment tasked students with writing an essay about a possible “hero for the modern age,” and listed Rittenhouse alongside names such as Gandhi, Cesar Chavez, George Floyd and Malcolm X. Apparently, killing those fighting against systemic oppression is just as heroic as fighting systemic oppression.
Misspelled Malcolm X? I bet he misspelled X.
If you idolize Kyle Rittenhouse then you are a violent psychopath. Kyle Rittenhouse is a cold blooded murderer.