
You won’t be missing anything. It was a nice platform when it was only for college students, but things just kept going downhill from there. Now it’s nothing but Russian propaganda and shitheads bold enough to be blatantly racist with their real names and places of employment on display.

We live in a country where cops can start arresting you for no reason, then arrest you for resisting arrest when you ask why. I wonder what Franz Kafka would say if he was still alive. 

He didn't drain the swamp, just chucked in a bunch of pale, bloated corpses.

“become forgotten no longer”

Goddammit, if every main character isn’t a straight white male i can’t use them as escapism from my shitty life! REEEEEEEEEEE!

Worst Bond movie ever! I will only watch it three more times.... today!

Fandoms are the absolute worst; they're why we can't have nice things. 

Your username is basically my reaction to this article.

If the most discipline they get for fucking up is a paid suspension, then what incentive is there not to fuck up?

Assuming he’s old is where we went wrong. This man is:

I want to believe, but at the end of the day banks gonna bank. 

Do they need to target us anymore? We’ve already got someone in office who will trade them the nuclear launch codes for dirt on his political opponents. 

Probably because it’s more iconic/ distinctive than the remix of France’s flag they’re using right now.

Premarital sex? Gay marriage? Satanic D&D? When do we get to the bad stuff, exactly?

Username checks out; i think it maybe tried to riff on my statement, but all that came out was keyboard diarrhea. Anyone got a chud-to-English dictionary? 

The new right has no beliefs or goals beyond provocation. Oh, and they're totally gonna start up a white christian ethno-state by committing mass shootings and posting dank may-mays.

Pretty telling when you consider that all the botox probably destroyed her ability to make facial expressions. 

Was this ISIS leader really even crucial, though? It seems like nobody even talked about that guy until a couple days ago.

The last message really makes you think; the best examples of Trump derangement syndrome are usually displayed by his own supporters. It’s like, bruh. White supremacy is so alive and well that honest-to-god fascism is coming back. They even have license to get violent with few or no repercussions (especially at his

Big whoop. This just means that one of the yachts she buys this year won’t have a solid gold toilet aboard it.