
Those are two people that perpetually look as stupid as they are- Palin, perpetually looking like she’s lecturing teens in a Walmart parking lot; Carlson, perpetually confused about what anyone is saying, including himself.

Sarah Palin is just caping for relevance. This is the most attention she’s gotten since her son went to jail.

what makes them easy marks is that so many of these idiots only view Patriotism as a buzz word you say, or a shirt you can buy. Doesn’t matter that Trump. is everything christians claim to be against, but because he’s holding a bible and standing in front of a church, it must mean he loves god.

...and the USPS assisted in the investigation!

Seriously. I really hope his kids end up in debt because of their racist father. Maybe it’ll actually break the chain of intergenerational racism. 

I hear it’s BYOB. Cool. I got a bottle of expensive Tequila for my birthday I’ve been saving. Shots everytime Joe says “My friend Barack!”

This. “I’m going to show them they’re wrong about me and really go hard in on the Love America shit. They’ll HAVE to like me then!’

That is a bullshit-ass policy. If a student is required to wear their hair properly “gathered” while on school grounds and during school-sanctioned activities, why does it matter if the hair extends below the eyes, earlobes, and/or collar when let down? Obviously, the hair would be let down on the student’s own time,

First of all...bless your heart for thinking you have the mental acuity to piss me off...but if that’s how you get off, so be it. TBH I focused more on what she said as opposed to what she didn’t say.

One more thing; why would MObama not mentioning Kamala Harris piss people off?  You must be very flexible, cuz you really stretchin’. Jesus. 

Swing and a miss.

“Okay, time to start a movement to get Michelle Obama involved in electoral politics as a candidate for the Senate or Congress. If the dems lose again, Michelle is the sure bet for 2024.”

Now to piss off some of Kamala Harris’ supporters: not once did Michelle mention her name, which to me was the icing on the cake.”

I feel the same way about these Black cops like I do about the ones in Atlanta who tased those kids - fuck em.

That’s someone pop pop man, fucking christ. 

This is a very fragile typical white response. Correct your racist white peers instead of posting butthurt whiny shit on blackfolk's news sites.

Seriously, like we we don’t know Meth and Opioids have been the drug of choice in PA for what...10-15 years, at least?!

#notallwhitepeople - but enough to get him elected.

These people are by birth unimaginative and mentally deranged.
It’s what happens when you grow up in a deregulated polluted state and swallow a Confederate education consisting of counting sticks and praising the NRA as your lord and savior.

Facebook, much like alcohol, doesn’t make you racist, it just reveals your racism.