Remember in the earliest days of this national nightmare?
Remember in the earliest days of this national nightmare?
I’m over this woman. At first I applauded her so called ninja moves on that bloated sack of batshit crazy.
feel free to stare blankly at your cellphone or computer screen as you attempt to process what you just witnessed.
Is there no one in this child’s world that has tried to sit him down for a long talk?
I gave you a star because that was my initial reaction...until I read JonsLegion’s post.
OTOH...This reject of the walking dead’s “virtues” have been advertised for over three years now.
Maternal mortality rates for black women are more than three times higher those of white mothers—more than half of those deaths occurred after the day of the delivery, reports the New York Times.
Oh, and FTP.
I’m right there with you. Usually I must see shit for myself to believe its validity.
The same reason I refuse to spend one nickel in Rainbow.
Unless they’re shedding cooties and lice,
Fuck him.
That little sweetie looks just like my grandson who, BTW, has hair exactly like that. His parents have never cut his hair.
Mr. Harriot,
As the first Black president walking through a minefield littered with the bodies, hopes and dreams of all that came before him...and all that are here now...I cut President Obama a measure of slack. The man was literally feeling his way along as republicans were doing all they could to derail his administration. He…
He’s useless. I don’t know why he’s still in the public eye, or why anybody gives him money for his damn voter fairness org. He was the AG when gerrymandering and election fraud were tuned to a fine art by the Republicans, and he did NOTHING. He didn’t even go on TV, hold up the Big Red Book of Voter Suppression and…
We just don’t go back and fix things in this country, whether that be slavery, sexual violence, or war crimes.