
I believe you have to assign a gesture to the Messaging shortcut to activate the preview bubble. I'm not too sure as I haven't used my Hero in a few months.

Internet access is probably for the Twitter/Facebook widgets.

How are these funny at all? Half of them sounded like they were just making fun of people with speech impediments, the other half just sounded like the person who was pronouncing the word was just plain stupid.

Jobsless? He's still chairman of the board. Last time I checked that's a job.

They may have majority share, but you still don't see people lining up for the next Droid or the next Galaxy S.

How so? The other 68% are Android users. Or if you subtract Prey, it's 51%.

My friend loves to post status updates on Facebook about him using the shitter. Me on the other hand, I play a quick game or I just browse tumblr.

This is what I thought. If I didn't bother reading any descriptions, just looking at this display would not evoke any thoughts as to the meaning of this "art piece." Instead, I would just wonder why someone left an external hard drive in an art museum.

Ignore the troll. He's in denial that webOS was/is a failure. 2 years later and it still barely has developer support and has practically no marketshare. I'd buy a Tab 10.1 or an iPad over the Touchpad.

It's illegal in NYC, probably because of the insane amount of traffic. It's the only place I know of in the US that prohibits turns on red.

This is what I was going to say. Google already offers movies on YouTube, now they could offer TV shows as well.

A team is working on porting Gingerbread AOSP to it. Once that's done, I believe they'll be moving to the CM7 codebase. After that, they'll attempt to port Honeycomb, or if ICS comes out before they're done, they'll switch gears to that instead.

Agreed. Lack of apps is what made me jump ship from webOS to Android.

Hey Fox, try using your brains for a second. If I missed an episode of House, why would I wait 8 days to watch it on Hulu? At that point, I have to choose to watch the next episode and possibly be confused by what I missed or miss the next episode and continue with this stupid 8 day cycle catch up.

The US counterpart for Clearly Contacts is Coastal Contacts. I bought my glasses from them and got a stellar price.

It also works with Spotify and thus negates the need for DockPlay

Psst, it's webOS.

It's not that hard to edit the build.prop to make the Android Market think you're running a different tablet.


I live in the NY metro area, so coverage is pretty guaranteed. That being said, I have Verizon, and I'm jealous of those with AT&T because they get service in the lower tracks of Grand Central. Well, at least I think they get service, as it looks like they're browsing on their phones.