
“But she should be subject to that criticism. It should be an uncomfortable space for a white artist to appropriate black music. It’s only because of her white privilege that Iggy can be in that uncomfortable space but not have it get in the way of her career.”

Oh look, a bunch of black people being racist. How original. Our term isn’t Becky though. It’s LaQuish’a . We also have a term for all black women who have abortions. We call them; Crime Stoppers.

I love Sage Steele. The Root is an echo chamber for cry babies to cry to each other over everything non-black. Do you “brothas and sistas!” not realize how fucking pathetic you sound? Every single article is tinged with jealousy and hate. I feel bad for you. I truly do. Life must be really hard when you think they way

It’s fun to watch mudsharks beat up hippos.