
Please have him email me and tell me what the alloys are before I perish.

I’m marking this comment as the point kinja folds in on itself and forms a hyper dimensional tesseract.

Trump didn’t realize the biggest problem with building the wall was that the illegal aliens could just levitate over it.

Sorry son but Dad is playing with this one.

Someone pleeeaase buy this along with some other Playmobil vehicles and do a Playmobil Doug review.

Does it include a red Swingline and fax machine?

I’m betting Joe Buck told all his friends but Jim Nantz may have kept it to himself.

I see more and more cars driving around at night with their lights off, and I’m certain that daytime running lights are to blame. It used to be rare to see a car at night without lights; now I probably see 5-10 every single night, all of them newer cars with DRLs. I’m sure the owners drive around like that all the

Oh boy can i haz V90 R plz?

Well that didn’t take long.

I’m sure that poor car is all tuckered out after that.

You must not have been in college between the years 2001-2008

The athlete can choose, but it has to be a song from the band O.A.R

Well, maybe the car wanted a taco, and was waiting patiently for its turn.

or a really nice C5 ZO6

I think we found something that will be harder than all of his Jeep projects combined.

In all seriousness. I have wanted to do what this guy has done at least 3 times today alone. Say fuck everything and just drive.

I started to say that Tracy should buy it, but it runs and drives.

The CLS will always look like a suppository to me.

“Look kids! A Plymouth Laser!”

If there’s no grass on the field, play ball.