I can’t deny, I’ve been guilty of Whisky Business.
I can’t deny, I’ve been guilty of Whisky Business.
Papa Hitlers Pizza is terrible anyway. I mean, who puts sauerkraut on a pizza?
“So I *hiccup* gave a nazis the finger on twiir. I did. I wantit to say ‘hey, you nazi assholes, you want a pizza me?’ but I dint. *hiccup* I prolly should have..Have you ever tried eatin your pizzza the ‘wrong way?’ Don’t *hicup* even repeat this..bu is kinda fun. Don’t even repeat that”
I just wanted to say, fuck you, for calling pizza, za.
“Want to see the cheers I came up with for the new high school?”
You’re conflating my online persona with my real-world one. Online, I satisfy all of those requirements. In the real world, shut up. I don’t want to talk about it.
It will rise again...just give it like 20 minutes.
If you don’t want to go with Phoenixes, just call them The Phoenix, like The Magic or The Heat. It’ll sound like an adult contemporary radio station.
Split the difference, adopt the Penix as a mascot:
I believe you, Al.
this, put him on IR and we aren’t having this discussion. They released him, and welp, sucks to be the Pack.
He seems hell Bennett on revenge now
More like Mar-didn’t-tellusabouttheinjury, amirite?
“Does anybody know if real painkillers work for imaginary pain? Asking for a friend...”
Let’s say Irsay invests in a better line, though. It’s just gonna get snorted up right quick.
Being Speared Gently was a mediocre follow up to Killing Me Softly.
Look for him to get suspended, unsuspended, resuspended, unresuspended, reunresuspended ....
I think it would be age discrimination to make somebody do it at a certain age. I vote 3 years no matter what.
This is like trying to decide between rooting for corn on pizza or ketchup on steak. Fuck both of them.