“I’m really happy with the wood I got last week, and I can’t wait to get more. The half joke I’ve been saying has been I want as much as my partner will let me get.”
“I’m really happy with the wood I got last week, and I can’t wait to get more. The half joke I’ve been saying has been I want as much as my partner will let me get.”
Well, seeing as how you still can’t expand the storage, it has less storage capacity, when they finally allow the storage expansion to work they are going to be ramping up the fan likely making it louder, and the exclusives are still years away, don’t you think you are jumping the gun a little.
Cause as the writer said in the article.
There’s a benefit of being able to move from one device to another.
Most people keep their PC at a desk and eventually at some point, most users will want to get up and maybe play on the couch for a while, or play in bed a bit before sleeping.
The Xbox environment lends itself…
i keep reading people talking about how empty or dead the world feels, and I just don’t get it. there are so many incredible little details I’ve found scattered around the world. I’ve seen people in some missions, only to find lore about them in gigs hours and hours laters. I did a mission where I had to deliver a car…
Took the words right outta my mouth!! It’s been such a weird, polarizing thing to talk about. I am about 60 hours in on Xbox series X and I absolutely love it. I play it as much as I can, and I am constantly thinking about it while I am at work. It’s really got it’s hooks in me.
I put in 50 hours on PS4, between switching over to stadia, where I’ve now logged 150ish hours. I’m on my second playthrough, and I’m over the moon for it. Yeah, it has rough edges and bugs, but my favorite games of all time are janky, buggy messes, so i don’t sweat. The world is beautiful, the exploration is fun, the…
Track: Don’t Look Back In Anger (HD Remastered Video) | Artist: Oasis | Album: (What’s The Story) Morning Glory?
It looks like those fake mock ups you see online of what a next gen console is gonna look at you. You say to yourself, no way will look like that. Well this time it actually does. Hahaha!
It looks like those fake mock ups you see online of what a next gen console is gonna look at you. You say to yourself, no way will look like that. Well this time it actually does. Hahaha!
It’s like they had a fan design contest and picked whatever everyone agreed the absolute worst one was.
I was thinking the same thing. I don’t think this would sit stable on its side. I saw the curve kinda sweeps back a bit, but I don’t see a way for it to have 4 points of contact.
That shape says upright only which is a big oof for me.
Track: Sad Song (Live) | Artist: Liam Gallagher | Album: Liam Gallagher MTV Unplugged
Track: Hate The Police | Artist: Mudhoney | Album: Boiled Beef & Rotting Teeth
Picked up a Switch last week so I’ve been playing Pokémon Shield, Luigi’s Mansion 3, Astral Chain aaaaand Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 - As you can tell I’ve been quite busy - anyone have any recommendations on Switch games I should try out?
I’ve been thinking about starting Astral Chain too, but for me it’s already a part of my backlog, haha.
I’m very close to finishing Witcher 3. I’m in the 3rd act, and just did The Big Battle. It was my goal to finish this game before Animal Crossing, but now that I’ve spent dozens of hours with these characters, I’m getting sad about it ending!
What a terrible comment