
Makes perfect since, since Tinkerbell exploding is what my toilet looks like after a night of Tacobell.

Bread Wedding anyone?

These kittens must be male, because you know, including female kittens would have caused the production of this video to be way over budget.


You know what game I really want to see on Steam already? FFXII. Also, on Vita.

But in this image I can still see her *Dark Pit.* else are they going to learn that 69 is actually evenly divisible by 2?

This is one of the first Giz articles about medical advances that doesn't sensationalise it in any way and simply gives the facts and a nod towards the potential future applications.

I think this can be summed up with the following:
Nintendo, please, don't do this to me.

you say that like people in orgys don't like sucking balls.

"Hey babe...are those pants exclusive? Because I've been trying to get in to them aaaaallll night."

*BEEP* Achievement unlocked: Kicked the habit.

And that was the moment that Shaylee decided that she wanted to become an astronaut. It was a long, hard journey, but luckily she had Chris Hadfield's book to help guide her and internet video of the first rocket launch she ever saw for when things got tough.

Actually you should leave your phone at home, playing a porn playlist all night, while you hide the body. You can then claim that you were at home, masturbating. It is more believable than "I slept all night". Pro tip: doesn't work if you work at a night shift.

Personally, I can't wait for all the rule 34 art to come from this... on second thought...


I usually think Gamer clothing is kinda lame and don't like to wear my hobbies so obviously on my sleeve, BUT I did just buy this reversible skirt today...