
Sunday nights are a TV ritual in my house for whatever HBO or Showtime series we are currently hooked on (most recently Ray Donovan, starting this week Homeland), but even then if we miss a week it's whatever and we just catch up when we can.

came here to post this. glad someone beat me to it.

This is also known as the "Kiss Your Ass Goodbye" position.

Guitar Hero anyone?

obligatory landfill full of ET cartridges please.

you have to expand the image to read it well, but this says they are selling "A BOX OF PUPPIES" for the cost of "(Market Price)"

I have actually found what I was looking for on page 10+ of Google. True story.

turns out people don't want to use a game console to stand around and do nothing...... they want to use it to play games. whoa.

well having skipped the first one due to not paying attention to the buzz around it, then feeling bad about that after reviews & word of mouth, i cannot wait to get this for wii u and also am very glad the first one is included. so that's one sale.... can't speak for how many more they'll make though.

The ghost of Gilbert Gottfried's career does not appreciate this move, Fahey.

Just play the PS1 version. The load time are not bad, and they didn't tinker with things like they did for the GBA version.

Dark Cloud was not hard at all IMO, it's more perceived as hard because of the fact that you have to do SO much before you fight her, and the point of no return save is a good hour or two back from the start of the final boss encounter.

FF4 is a great one. Good cast, good story, and the hardest final boss in the entire main series by a huge margin.

Don't go to grad school.

Does it have the secret passages?

Every italian that read this just died a little inside.

ah well.... i never actually watched MIB 2, i just know K comes back because of the trailers. i just assumed L would be around somehow. either way that one can be called close enough.

MIB the animated series followed MIB 2, where K is back obviously. The Aladdin series also followed part 2 where it's explained that genie still has power but just less because no lamp. there's no continuity breaks between those. in fact i can't think of any disney movie turned series that fits what you're saying.

This could lead to the end of the need for glasses for anyone......

number of teams you will actually see: